
Kystar U6 HDMI Input 4 DVI Output HD Multi-window LED Video Switcher

原价是: $4,067.55.目前的价格是: $4,050.00.

以最优惠的价格购买用于舞台租赁和固定视频墙的 Kystar LED 控制器系统.

Kystar U6 HDMI Input 4 DVI Output HD Multi-window LED Video Switcher Features:U6 Six Windows Processor.


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Kystar U6 HDMI Input 4 DVI Output HD Multi-window LED Video Switcher Features:
输出像素高达 15360 水平或 6144 垂直.
Support HDMI , DVI接口 , VGA , SDI , CVBS , IP输入.
Six windows preview and output monitoring.
Ethernet monitoring and control in real time.
Editable text and image overlay.
Window or mode transition effects including dissolves, 湿巾, 并削减.
Brightness control of each input.
Hot backup of input signals.

多格式信号处理 & 4k 处理.

Multi-format Signals Processing Processor is compatible with a variety of input signals : DVI×1, HDMI×1, VGA×2, CVBS×2, SDI×1及扩展槽×1. 扩展槽可配置为 HDMI 1.4a,知识产权, DVI接口, HDMI1.3, 和CVBS. 4k Processing Accommodating 4k signal input terminals including HDMI 1.4 和双链路 DVI, U6 enables an input resolution up to 4096×2160, 轻松实现LED大屏超高清显示!


User-define Splicing Display Processor is a 4 支持水平输出设备, vertical and cross splicing to reach high resolution as 15360×600 or 1536×6144. U6 also supports user-define output resolution , 允许用户自由更改分辨率和刷新率的长宽比.

Free Display of six Windows.

Free Display of six Windows on a single screen U6 enables the simultaneous display of six windows on a single screen.The size, 每个窗口的位置和层级关系可独立调整.


U6 can not only display 6 屏幕上的窗口, 但控制 6 LED屏幕同时出现, 每个都可以独立显示或组合成完整的图像. 除了, 此类屏幕的像素间距可能不同.


Transparency adjusting and edge feathering In order to integrate the different layers of image well, U6 can change the transparency of each windows or achieve edge feathering effect.


使用本地显示器有三种模式 & preview output of U6: 1.监控输出, 与显示器显示相同的图像. 2.预览输入, 显示 6 同时输入图像. 3.同时监控和预览.

Excellent Image Processing.

Effect CrossInt Splicing Technology The splicing unit of LED screen is often non-standard, 不均匀或大小不同, 这可能会导致错位或不同步等. U6 adopts the CPT+FST splicing processing technology specially designed for small pixel LED displays, 完美解决上述问题.


超分辨率放大技术可有效消除图像放大引起的边缘锯齿, 从而相应地减少失焦模糊.


U6 is able to generate independent images and texts overlay layer. 用户可以通过KYSTAR控制软件方便地在信号图像上叠加图片或文字 . 叠加的内容可以存储在设备中.

以太网监控 & 实时控制.

Ethernet control U6 can be compatible with KYSTAR management software via Ethernet or serial communication. 用户可以通过管理软件在U6上配置参数, 调整窗口布局, 完整的特效切换, 设置计划任务等. Ethernet monitoring and preview Via Ethernet, 用户不仅可以配置U6的参数, 可通过KYSTAR管理软件实现实时监控和预览.


无论是信号还是预设, U6 is capable of seamless transition, 没有任何停电, 过程中出现闪烁或延迟; 除了, U6 owns over ten transition effects for choice by the user, 适应不同的应用.

Hot Backup of Input Signals.

Hot Backup Users can specify the backup signal for signal source . 如果当前信号出现问题, 系统会自动检测并立即呼叫备用信号. 如果信号恢复正常, 系统会智能转回原始信号. 使用此功能构建并行系统, 有效保证场景的可靠性.








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