Huidu HD-D15 Asynchronous Fullcolor LED Card.
HD-D15 Full-color LED Sign Controller.
For full-color led sign. Cheap as single&dual color control card..
1. Support indoor & 户外全彩 & single/dual color module.
2. Support Video display, Animation Image and Text Editing.
3. 支持 256 灰度.
4. 支持U盘扩展内存, 即插即用.
5. Support Video output.
6. 即插即用,无需任何网络设置.
7. 支持网络集群管理.
8. Simple and flexible user interface, easy to operate.
Module Full-color LED sign module
Scan mode Support From Static to 1/16 扫描
Control range 512W*48H, 384*64, 192*128像素
灰阶 256
Video format AVI, WMV, MP4, 3全科医生, 非洲猪瘟, MPG, FLV, F4V, MKV, MOV, 那, 视频播放器, TRP, TS, 网络管理, ETC.
Animation format SWF, FLV, 动图
Image format BMP, JPG, JPEG, 巴布亚新几内亚等.
Text Text and Image being edited directly. Document like word, TXT, .rtf, html等. can be edited as well after importing directly.
Time Classic Analog clock, digital clock and various of clock with image background
Audio output Double track stereo audio output
Memory 256MB Flash, 多于 2 小时计划支持. Indefinite expanding of U-disk memory.
Communication 10/100M Ethernet
Distance 100 米
Port 4pcs HUB75 data interface
Software HDPlayer
Huidu HD-D15 Asynchronous Fullcolor LED Card.