
HUIDU HD-A601 Dual Mode LED Controller Box

原价是: $195.75.目前的价格是: $189.00.


以最优惠的价格为您的舞台租赁视频墙购买慧都 LED 控制器系统.

HUIDU HD-A601 Dual Mode LED Controller Box, USB port full color Async & Sync dual-mode LED controller LED display player box

Huidu Dual-Model Asynchronous LED Player Box HD-A6 / HD-A5 / HD-A4 / HD-A3 WIFI 4G.


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HUIDU HD-A601 Dual Mode LED Controller Box.

说明 .

Syn-Asyn dual-mode HD player box.
A601??00*600A602??280*720A603??920*1080)three models.
Support switch Syn and Asyn mode automatically.
最大支持 2 million pixels HD LED display.
Support HD video hard decode.

Control any HD large screen as your requirements.
支持 1920*1080??280*720??00*600 高清大屏.
A9 1GHZ CPU, the fastest control system CPU.
Support 1080P HD video hard decode,优秀的视频效果.
4GB ultra-large capacity,MAX support to store 4-hour HD video files.
Support import video by U-disk directly, play and plug.

Freely switch Syn and Asyn dual mode.
Patented technology: switch Syn and Asyn mode automatically.
In case of live broadcast Interruption: Stored wedding video will protect live image interruption from embarrassing situation.
Wonderful Live broadcast at a fixed time: switch to Play TV broadcast on square advertising big screen at a fixed time, watching the news while take a walk
(Under Synchronous mode, small display maybe have to work with video processor)

Internet cloud management.
Through WiFi, 3G, 4G module easy access to the Internet.
Affiliated freely to our cloud management server: clouds.huidu.cn.
Register an account to operate by login web browser.
Anytime and anywhere,archive multiple displays unified management.
Multi-level rights management, program publication after review.



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