
Colorlight Z6 4K UHD LED Controller Box integrated Video Processor

原价是: $2,124.90.目前的价格是: $2,099.25.


Purchase Colorlight led controller systems for your stage rental and advertising video walls at best prices.

Colorlight Z6 4K UHD LED Controller Box integrated Video Processor function.


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Colorlight Z6 4K UHD LED Controller Box integrated Video Processor Overview.
Z6 Super Controller is a professional LED display controller. 作为视频拼接器,
处理器和发送器合二为一, Z6 has 4K video input capability, UHD and
HDR images processing and transmission. Z6 can be applied to high-end rental
display and high resolution LED display perfectly.
Colorlight Z6 4K UHD LED Controller Box integrated Video Processor Features
视频输入端口包括SDI×2, HDMI2.0×1, DVI×4;
Support input resolution up to 4096×; 输入频率: 50~120Hz;
The input images can be spliced and zoomed according to the screen resolution;
Support PIP function, 位置和大小可自由调整;
Support 12bit UHD video source input;
装载能力: 10 百万像素; 最大宽度: 16384 像素, 最大高度: 16384 像素;
Support splicing and cascading among several controllers with synchronization strictly;
Support 3D display;
Support brightness and chromaticity adjustment, 色域变换;
Support zero latency of sending;
Support improved gray-scale at low brightness;

Support HDCP2.2

兼容所有接收卡 , 多功能卡, optical fiber transceivers of Colorlight.

正面 Panel

Colorlight Z6 4K UHD LED Controller Box integrated Video Processor

姓名 功能
1 3.5-inch LCD Display operation menu and system information
2 Knob Turning knob to select or adjust
好的:Enter key
3 Function keys ESCEscape current operation or selection
BrightBrightness options
黑色的:Blank screen
LockLock keys
4 Selection keys 画中画:PIP switch
冻结:Freeze screen
DVI/HDMI/SDI1/SDI2video source selection

Back Panel

Colorlight Z6 4K UHD LED Controller Box integrated Video Processor

1 SDI 4 3G-SDI 输入
2 HDMI HDMI2.0输入
3 DVI接口 4 DVI 输入
1 千兆位以太网 16 千兆位以太网输出
1 100以太网 2100M-Ethernet Control ports (与电脑通讯, or access
网络), 并可用作Artnet控制端口
2 USB_输出 USB输出, 与下一个控制器级联
3 USB_IN USB输入, 与PC连接配置参数
4 同步锁相 同步锁相信号输入确保显示图像的同步
5 同步锁环 Genlock同步信号环路输出
6 3D sync interface 连接到 3D 发射器
1 SDI 4 3G-SDI 输入
2 HDMI HDMI2.0输入
3 DVI接口 4 DVI 输入
1 千兆位以太网 16 千兆位以太网输出
1 100以太网 2100M-Ethernet Control ports (与电脑通讯, or access
网络), 并可用作Artnet控制端口
2 USB_输出 USB输出, 与下一个控制器级联
3 USB_IN USB输入, 与PC连接配置参数
4 同步锁相 同步锁相信号输入确保显示图像的同步
5 同步锁环 Genlock同步信号环路输出
6 3D sync interface 连接到 3D 发射器

Ter女士&状况&nbsp of Colorlight Z6 4K UHD LED Controller Box integrated Video Processor :

交货时间: 之内 8 工作日 收到付款后。.

付款方式: 贝宝信用卡 是首选.

包装 坚固的纸板箱.

保修单: 两年.

邮寄方式: DHL快递是默认方式. 其他如 EMS, UPS, 仅当目的地没有DHL或不适合DHL时才会采用FedEX和TNT; 如果您想通过海运或空运运送货物, 请联系我们

评论 : 全程技术支持 仅当您时才会提供 订购两个 LED 模块(LED显示屏) 和控制器系统 来自我们公司.








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