
Colorlight iQ7E Ultra High Definition LED Sender Box for Advertising Wall

原价是: $2,038.50.目前的价格是: $2,025.00.


ColorLight IQ7E UHD sender specially designed for the high-end LED display. It has the largest receiving capability for 4k, user-friendly control panel, and LCD.


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Introduction of Colorlight iQ7E Ultra High Definition LED Sender Box.

iQ7E UHD sender specially designed for the high-end LED display. It has the largest receiving capability for 4k,
user-friendly control panel, and LCD.

Features of Colorlight iQ7E Ultra High Definition LED Sender Box:

1) Support DVI/HDMI
2) Support External audio input
3) 最大输入分辨率: 4096*2160
4) Largest load capacity: 2621440 像素
5) 4 gigabit Ethernet output ports for arbitrary cascading
6) Dual-USB2.0 for high-speed communication
7) Independent LED display testing function, offline testing is available
8) Control panel for quick setting of the screen without the need of computer
9) LCD to show real-time situation of the screen
10) Support preset startup picture
11) Support any freeform display, sphere display, 钻石展示, cube display, ETC.
12) Internal bottom brightness control in 16 级别
13) Support One key to lock screen and one key to black screen
14) One key switch from DVI to HDMI
15) Support local HD broadcast
16) Wireless control by ipad, iPhone, android, ETC








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