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Màn hình LED nhận thẻ Novastar A9S LED

Giá gốc đã: $79.65.Giá hiện tại là: $74.25.


Novastar A9S High-end Large LED Display Screen Receiving Card is a high-end receiving card developed by NovaStar. It has a small size and features a large loading capacity, with a single card loading up to 512×512 (IC xung) pixel.

Vận chuyển toàn quốc với mọi đơn hàng.

  • 30 ngày trở lại dễ dàng
  • Đặt hàng trước 2h30 chiều để được giao hàng trong ngày
Đảm bảo thanh toán an toàn

Màn hình LED nhận thẻ Novastar A9S LED.

Novastar A9S High-end Large LED Display Screen Receiving Card is a high-end receiving card developed by NovaStar. It has a small size and features a large loading capacity, with a single card loading up to 512×512 (IC xung) pixel.

Novastar A9S Mini LED Display Screen Receiving Card Features:

Advanced hardware design:

  • The small hardware footprint is suitable to applications with limited cabinet space and small pixel pitch.
  • Uses dust-resistant high-density connector to limit effects of dust and vibration, resulting in high stability and reliability.
  • Integrated network transformer features simple design and improved magnetic compatibility, helping user’s products to successfully pass the EMC certification.

Useful software design:

  • Supports LVDS transmission (supported by dedicated firmware program).
  • Supports smart module (supported by dedicated firmware program).
  • Supports quick seam correction.
  • Hỗ trợ chức năng 3D.
  • Supports auto module calibration.
  • Supports Mapping function.
  • Supports setting of pre-stored image on receiving card.
  • Supports management of module’s Flash.
  • Supports voltage and temperature monitoring of card without use of peripherals.
  • Supports monitoring of Ethernet cable communication status (supported by dedicated firmware program).
  • Supports 5-pin LCD module.
  • Supports image rotation in 90° increments.

Novastar LED Receiving Card A9S Parameter:

Điện áp đầu vào DC 3.3 V.
Đánh giá hiện tại 0.5 MỘT
Tiêu thụ điện năng định mức 2.5 W
Nhiệt độ hoạt động -20°C-0°C
Nhiệt độ bảo quản -25°C-25°C
Độ ẩm hoạt động 10% RH-90% RH
Kích thước 80.0 mm × 45.0 mm × 9.1 mm
trọng lượng tịnh 22.3 g
Chứng chỉ RoHS
EMC loại B
đóng gói An antistatic bag and anti-collision foam are provided for each receiving card.
Dimensions of the packing box: 378 mm × 190 mm × 120 mm. Mỗi hộp chứa 40 nhận thẻ.

Thông tin bổ sung

Cân nặng(kg)


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