
VDWALL LVP606 HD LED Video Sending Card Box for Small Led Display Screens

Asl narxi edi: $1,025.71.Joriy narx: $1,000.00.


Purchase Vdwall led controller systems for your stage rental video walls at best prices.

VDWALL LVP606 HD LED Video Sending Card Box has been long out of production. You can order the most popular VDWALL video processor: VDWALL LVP615S Video Processor.

Barcha buyurtmalar bo'yicha butun dunyo bo'ylab etkazib berish.

  • 30 kunlar oson qaytariladi
  • O'sha kuni jo'natish uchun 14:30 dan oldin buyurtma bering
Kafolatlangan xavfsiz hisob-kitob

Features of VDWALL LVP606 HD LED Video Sending Card Box:

1. 10+ Bit Faroudja® DCDI Cinema Processing.
2. New Faroudja® Real Color®.
3. Advanced 4×4 Pixels Interpolation Scaling Algorithm.
4. 4-channel VGA input interface
5. Pre-switch, seamless switch,fade in /out functions between 2 random input signals.
6. Dual PIP display(PIP) ??Unrestricted tri-picture display.
7. Independent H & V Scaling Ratios.
8. HDMI 1.3a with HDCP, HD 1080p input.
9. 1920 x 1080 p or 1600 x 1200 output for single machine.
10. Easy setup and adjustment through keys on the panel.
11. Press keys on frontal panel to directly select 7-channel input signal source, including: 4 x VGA 1 x DVI/HDMI) 2 x CVBS
12. 2 channels can be configured to connect external stereo audio, plus HDMI audio, there are 3-channel audio for synchronous switch
13. 2 LED Transmission Cards Built-in ability (The processor does not include the Transmission card!).


Shartlar&Conditions of RGB VDWALL LVP606 HD LED Video Sending Card Box:

Yetkazib berish vaqti: ichida 8 ish kunlari upon receiving payment..

To'lov usuli: Paypal va kredit kartasi afzal ko'riladi.

Qadoqlash kuchli karton karton.

Kafolat: two years.

Yuk tashish usuli: DHL express standart usul hisoblanadi. Boshqalar EMS kabi, UPS, FedEX and TNT will be adopted only when DHL is not available or not suitable at the destination; Agar siz tovarlarni dengiz yoki havo orqali jo'natmoqchi bo'lsangiz, batafsil ma'lumot uchun biz bilan bog'laning

Izoh : Full technical support will be provided only when you order both LED modules(LED displey) and controller system from our company.

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot



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