
RGBLink VSP618 HD LED Video Processor for Advertising Walls

Asl narxi edi: $870.00.Joriy narx: $860.00.


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RGBLink VSP618 HD LED Video Processor.

Barcha buyurtmalar bo'yicha butun dunyo bo'ylab etkazib berish.

  • 30 kunlar oson qaytariladi
  • O'sha kuni jo'natish uchun 14:30 dan oldin buyurtma bering
Kafolatlangan xavfsiz hisob-kitob

Features of RGBLink VSP618 HD LED Video Processor:

· Digital video decoder
· Seven selectable vidoe sources directly from the front panel. including: computer VGA, component video (SD orHDTV),
S-video or composite video.
· Two video outputs : (1) VGA and (1) DVI
· Adjustation and conversion of user-defined Aspect Ratio
· Adjustation of video (NTSC, PAL) Yorqinlik, Contrast
· Value of user-defined Gamma from -1,2 uchun +1,6
· PIP ??Picture-in-picture
· Window size and position of PIP LED and user-defined from the front panel.
· Image crop y zoom
· Freezing of the picture
· Multiple Preset modes.
· 10 bits processing
· Fade in and Fande out transition effect.
· Insertion of LOGO
· Card insertion slot LED transmission.
· USB, Ethernet ( TCP/IP ) and RS-232 real-time control.
· Optional input cards and output card:
Kirishlar (2)- HD-SD SDI, inputs (2) 1.3 HDMI,Chiqish (2) HDMI.


Specifications of RGBLink VSP618 HD LED Video Processor:


Scaled channel input

· Analog and digital Inputs (6): computer video
VGA,video YPbPr (SD or HD), S-video or composite
video on conector BNC, DVI en conector DVI-I.
· Option A: Kiritish 2 x HDMI
·Option B: Kiritish 2 x HD SD- SDI (with loop out)

Scaler input resolutions

· PAL/NTSC; 480i,576i
· Resolution of DVI:
· Resolution of HDTV up to 720p, 720p59.94/60


Digital Output

· DVI digital on connector DVI-I

Output Resolutions


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