
RGBLink VSP5162Pro LED Video Processor Video Scaler and Switcher

Asl narxi edi: $3,500.00.Joriy narx: $3,485.00.

Xitoy fabrikasidan yopiq tashqi LED displey aksessuarlarini kashf eting.

4K x 1K output splicing resolution Support different pixels mapping Seamless switching between any inputs Preview and program output. separately Cascade for sync mosaic User- defined output resolution. Improved media files player for USB input with HD capacity.

Max supported output resolution.

Barcha buyurtmalar bo'yicha butun dunyo bo'ylab etkazib berish.

  • 30 kunlar oson qaytariladi
  • O'sha kuni jo'natish uchun 14:30 dan oldin buyurtma bering
Kafolatlangan xavfsiz hisob-kitob

RGBLink VSP5162Pro LED Video Processor Video Scaler and Switcher Features:

VSP 5162PRO is the seamless switcher that accepts a wide variety of video signals, including analog RGB, Video, HDTV and Digital video and graphic inputs.

It combines truly seamless, glitch-free switching with advanced scaling technology producing high quality, high resolution video presentations. The VSP 5162PRO offers seamless transition effects CUT and Fade between the inputs switching, 4K×1K output splicing and quick configuration local control panel and remote control ports with free of charge Window based software and open protocol for system integration.

Compared with the old version, VSP 5162PRO improves the operation performance based on the feedback, also introduces new features which had been successful in other products, including Displayport input supports, user defined output resolution and up to 4K×1K splicing processing. All these advanced capabilities feature VSP 5162PRO the best cost to performance choice for high-end presentation environments.

RGBLink VSP5162Pro LED Video Processor Video Scaler and Switcher Parameters:

Kiritish 3 x CVBS
2 x VGA (YPbPr compatible)
3 x DVI (HDMI 1.3 compatible)
2 x Displayport
1 x SDI (3G-SDI)
Chiqish 2 x DVI
1 x VGA
2 x SDI LOOP(S module)
Operations Local front panel operation
Remote RS-232, USB, UDP/IP control
Net Size 480mmx375mmx45mm
Package size 535mmx455mmx130mm
Sof og'irlik 3.8kg
Package weight 6.9kg
Work Temperature 0°C~40°C
Relative Humidity 10%~85%

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