
Novastar Taurus Series TB1-4G Multimedia Player LED Screen Video Controller Box

Asl narxi edi: $168.00.Joriy narx: $165.00.


Novastar TB1-4G media player is widely used for small and medium commercial LED screens. We keep many Taurus TB1-4G in stock. All of them are ready for shipment. 4G module is optional .

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Novastar Taurus Series TB1-4G Multimedia Player LED Screen Video Controller Box.

Taurus series is Novastar’s second-generation multimedia player for small and medium-sized LED full-color displays. Among them, TB1-4G is the basic model, which can support 650,000 pixels maximum. Novastar TB1-4G has the following advantages which can better meet user needs:

Qo'llab-quvvatlaydi 650,000 pixel loading capacity.

High processing performance.

Comprehensive control solution.

WiFi AP ulanishini qo'llab-quvvatlang.

In addition to support for program distribution and display control on the PC, Mobil telefon, and local area network, the full-range control solution also supports remote centralized release and monitoring.

Taurus series products can be widely used in LED commercial display fields such as lamp pole screens, chain store screens, advertising machines, mirror screens, retail store screens, door head screens, car screens, and screens without PCs.

More Pictures of Novastar Taurus Series TB1-4G Multimedia Player LED Screen Video Controller Box:

Novastar TB1-4G LED Screen Video Controller Box

Novastar TB1-4G LED Screen Video Controller Box

Novastar TB1-4G LED Screen Video Controller Box

Novastar TB1-4G LED Screen Video Controller Box

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