
Novastar Taurus Series T1-4G LED Screen Multimedia Player Controller Card

Asl narxi edi: $117.57.Joriy narx: $105.00.


Sahna ijarasi video devorlari uchun Novastar led kontroller tizimlarini eng yaxshi narxlarda sotib oling.

T1 of the Taurus series products (herein after referred to as T1 feature following advantages, Better satisfying users requirements:1. Loading capacity up to 650,000 piksellar 2. Synchronous display 3. Powerful processing capability 4. Omnidirectional control plan 5. Wi-Fi AP connection

Barcha buyurtmalar bo'yicha butun dunyo bo'ylab etkazib berish.

  • 30 kunlar oson qaytariladi
  • O'sha kuni jo'natish uchun 14:30 dan oldin buyurtma bering
Kafolatlangan xavfsiz hisob-kitob

Novastar Taurus Series T1-4G LED Screen Multimedia Player Controller Card Features:

Synchronous Display.

1.The T1-4G support switching on/off function of synchronous display.

When synchronous display is enable, the same can be played on different displays synchronously if the time of different T1-4G units are synchronous with one another and the same program is being played.

2.Powerful Procession Capability

1.5GHz four-core processor

Support for 1080P video hardware decoding

1 GB operating memory and 8 GB ichki xotira maydoni

Novastar Taurus Series T1-4G Multimedia Player Controller Card Parameter:

Control Plan Connecting Client Terminal Related Software
Program publishing and screen control through mobile phone Connection via network line Connection via Wi-Fi PC ViPlex Express


Program publishing and screen control through LAN Connection via LAN PC ViPlex Express


Program publishing and screen control through mobile phone Connection via Wi-Fi Mobile phone and Pad ViPlex Handy
Cluster remote program publishing and screen control Connect via network line Connection via Wi-FI Mobile phone, Pad and PC VNNOX

ViPlex Handy

ViPlex Express

Cluster remote monitoring Connection via network line Connection via Wi-Fi Mobile phone, Pad and PC NovaiCare

ViPlex Handy

ViPlex Express


More Pictures of Novastar Taurus Series T1-4G LED Screen Multimedia Player Controller Card:

Novastar Taurus Series T1-4G LED Screen Multimedia Player Controller Card

Novastar Taurus Series T1-4G LED Screen Multimedia Player Controller Card

Novastar Taurus Series T1-4G LED Screen Multimedia Player Controller Card

Novastar Taurus Series T1-4G LED Screen Multimedia Player Controller Card

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