
Novastar MRV410-1 MRV410-2 MRV410-3 MRV410-4 MRV412 LED Receiving Card EMC LED Display Controller

Asl narxi edi: $29.30.Joriy narx: $29.00.


Sahna ijarasi video devorlari uchun Novastar led kontroller tizimlarini eng yaxshi narxlarda sotib oling.

4 groups Monitoring Card Applicable .

Support Memory on Module .

Sertifikatlash :RoHS、Idoralar(Class B).

Barcha buyurtmalar bo'yicha butun dunyo bo'ylab etkazib berish.

  • 30 kunlar oson qaytariladi
  • O'sha kuni jo'natish uchun 14:30 dan oldin buyurtma bering
Kafolatlangan xavfsiz hisob-kitob

Novastar MRV410-1 MRV410-2 MRV410-3 MRV410-4 MRV412 LED Receiving Card EMC LED Display Controller Features:

1) Single card outputs 16-group of RGBR ‘data;
2) Single card outputs 20-group of RGB data;
3) Single card outputs 24-group of RGB data;
4) Single card outputs 64-group of serial data.

5) Single card supports resolution of 256×226;
6) Configuration file read back;
7) Harorat monitoringi;
8) Ethernet cable communication status detection;
9) Power supply voltage detection;
10) High gray-scale and high refresh rate;
11) Pixel-by-pixel brightness and chromaticity calibration Brightness and chromaticity calibration coefficients for each LED;
12) Each of the ports has VCC PIN and the module can provide power supply to the control system;
13) Comply with EU CE-EMC standard;
14) Comply with EU CE-EMC CLass B standard.

Recognition of Novastar MRV410-1 MRV410-2 MRV410-3 MRV410-4 MRV412 LED Receiving Card EMC LED Display Controller:

To meet the needs of different customers, Nova provides more specific models of the products, including standard products in stock, other models need to becustomized;

Model Spetsifikatsiya
MRV410?? Standard model, male connector on top
MRV410?? Male connector on bottom
MRV410?? Female connector on top
MRV410?? Female connector on bottom

Novastar MRV410 EMC LED Controller Card Connect Interface Definition

J2 definition(Connector interface of network ports??/kuchli>

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
A0+ B0+ C0+ D0+ A0+ B0+ C0+ D0+
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15
A0- B0- C0- D0- A0- B0- C0- D0-

J9 definition(IndicatorSocket??/kuchli>

1 2 3 4 5

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