
Novastar MRV350-1 LED Display Receiving Card NovaStar Full Color LED Display Receiving Card

Asl narxi edi: $48.00.Joriy narx: $45.00.


Sahna ijarasi video devorlari uchun Novastar led kontroller tizimlarini eng yaxshi narxlarda sotib oling.

Single card support resolution 256×226; Konfiguratsiya faylini qayta ko'rib chiqishni qo'llab-quvvatlash; Harorat monitoringi; Data Signal communication status detection; Power supply voltage detection;

Barcha buyurtmalar bo'yicha butun dunyo bo'ylab etkazib berish.

  • 30 kunlar oson qaytariladi
  • O'sha kuni jo'natish uchun 14:30 dan oldin buyurtma bering
Kafolatlangan xavfsiz hisob-kitob

Novastar MRV350-1 LED Display Receiving Card NovaStar Full Color LED Display Receiving Card:

Novastar MRV350-1 is the advanced model of Novastar LED display receiving cards.
It is compatible with all functions of MRV320, and increasing the relay module. Its functions are as follows:

1) 1 relay control;
2) Single card outputs 16-group of RGBR’data;
3) Single card outputs 20-group of RGB data;
4) Single card outputs 64-group of serial data;
5) Single card support resolution 256×226??br /> 6) Konfiguratsiya faylini qayta ko'rib chiqishni qo'llab-quvvatlash;
7) Qo'llab-quvvatlash dasturi nusxasi;
8) Support temperature monitoring;
9) Support Ethernet cable communication status detection;
10) Support power supply voltage detection;
11) Support high gray scale and high refresh rate;
12) Support pixel by pixel brightness and chromaticity calibration. Brightness and chromaticity calibration coefficients for each LED;
13) Support monitor card connection;
14) Support pre-store picture setting;
15) Comply with EU RoHs standard;
16) Comply with EU CE-EMC standard;

Novastar MRV350-1 LED Display Receiving Card NovaStar Full Color LED Display Receiving Card

NovaStar LED Controller Card System Synchronous and asynchronous
NovaStar Taurus seriyali LED displey boshqaruvchisi TB1-4G / TB2-4G / TB3 / TB4 / TB6 / TB8 4G WIFI bilan
NovaStar LED multimedia pleer TB1-4G / TB2-4G / TB30 / TB40 / TB50 / TB60 / TB80 Nova Cloud Service T seriyali multimedia pleer MBOX600
NovaStar LED yuborish kartasi MSD300 / MSD600
NovaStar LED qabul qiluvchi kartasi MRV208-1 / MRV412 / MRV416 / MRV432 / MRV300 / MRV560 / MRV366 / MRV336 / MRV328 / MRV216 / MRV210 / MRV208 / MRV300-1
NovaStar LED Receiver Card DH7506 / DH7512 / DH7516-N / DH3208 / DH418 / DH426 / DH7512 / DH436 / DH7516 / AT20 / AT30
NovaStar LED Receiving Card A10s Plus-N / A9s / A8s-N / A8 / A7s Plus / A7 / A5 / A5s / Zirh seriyali A4s LED qabul qilish kartasi
NovaStar MCRTL4K / MCTRLR5 / MCTRL1600 / MCTRL660 PRO / MCTRL660 / MCTRL600 / MCTRL300 / MCTRL700 4K LED jo'natuvchi quti
NovaStar video protsessor V1260 / V1160 / V1060 / V960 / V900 / V760 / V700 / K16 / K6S / K4S-N LED video protsessori
NovaStar ko'p rasmli Splicer H15 / H9 / H5 / H2 video birlashtiruvchi protsessor
NovaStar HDR Master 4K video protsessor VS0 / VS1 / VS2 / VS3 / VS5 / VS7
NovaStar Video Controller NovaPro UHD / NovaPro HD / VX16S / VX6s / VX4S-N / VX4U / VX1000 / VX600 / VX400s VX2U All-In-One Series LED Video Processor Controller
NovaStar aksessuarlari tolali konvertor CVT-10 CVT10-S (yagona rejim) CVT10-M (ko'p rejimli)/ Ko'p funktsiyali karta MFN300 / MFB300-B / Monitoring kartasi MON300 / Atrof-muhit yorqinligi sensori NS060 / CVT310 tolali konvertor / CVT320 / Atrof-muhit harorati sensori MTH310 / Splitter DIS-300 / Tolali konvertor CVT4K-S / CVT4K-M / CVT-rack tolali konvertor.
NovaStar Software SmartLCT Mac.
NovaStar Software VPlayer foydalanuvchi uchun qo'llanma.
NovaStar Software NovaLCT LED konfiguratsiya vositasi foydalanuvchi qo'llanmasi.
NovaStar dasturi ViPlex Express.
NovaStar Software V-Can PC Async Mode Foydalanuvchi uchun qo'llanma.
NovaStar Software V-Can Handy Studio rejimi foydalanuvchi qo'llanmasi.
NovaStar Software VPlayer PC Studio rejimi foydalanuvchi uchun qo'llanma.
NovaStar Software VPlayer Android Studio rejimi foydalanuvchi uchun qo'llanma.

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