
Novastar MRV270-1 LED Receiving Card Specification

Asl narxi edi: $30.78.Joriy narx: $29.00.


Sahna ijarasi video devorlari uchun Novastar led kontroller tizimlarini eng yaxshi narxlarda sotib oling.

Configuration file read back; Harorat monitoringi. Data Signal status detection; Power supply voltage detection; High gray scale and high refresh rate; Pixel by pixel brightness and chromaticity calibration. Brightness and chromaticity calibration coefficients for each LED;

Barcha buyurtmalar bo'yicha butun dunyo bo'ylab etkazib berish.

  • 30 kunlar oson qaytariladi
  • O'sha kuni jo'natish uchun 14:30 dan oldin buyurtma bering
Kafolatlangan xavfsiz hisob-kitob

Novastar MRV270-1 LED Receiving Card Specification Features:

MRV270-1 is one model of Novastar receiving cards. It has the functions of MOM(Memory On Module). Its functions are as follows:

1) Single card outputs 24-group of data;
2) Single card support resolution 256×226

3) MOM can store calibration coefficient and the led module information;
4) Support configuration file read back;
5) Qo'llab-quvvatlash dasturi nusxasi;
6) Support temperature monitoring.
7) Support Ethernet cable communication status detection;
8) Support power supply voltage detection;
9) Support high gray scale and high refresh rate;
10) Support pixel by pixel brightness and chromaticity calibration.
Brightness and chromaticity calibration coefficients for each LED;
11) Support pre-store picture setting;
12) Comply with EU CE-EMC standard;

Novastar MRV270-1 LED Receiving Card Specification

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