
HUIDU LED HD-R505 LED Receiving Card

Asl narxi edi: $20.00.Joriy narx: $19.50.


Buy Huidu led display screen controller at factory prices for your video wall panels.

HUIDU HD-R505 LED receiving card, HD-R505 Asynchronous Full Color LED display control card Receiving card Work with C10, C30, A30, Full color control system receiving card, Video, rasm, text display card.

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  • 30 kunlar oson qaytariladi
  • O'sha kuni jo'natish uchun 14:30 dan oldin buyurtma bering
Kafolatlangan xavfsiz hisob-kitob

HUIDU LED HD-R505 LED Receiving Card.


Working ways Used in Sending card HD-A601/602/603 Series, HD-C10/C30series,

HD-A30/A30+ Series

Suitable Modules types Ichki & tashqi to'liq rangli & bitta/ikki rangli modul

Support MBI5041/5042MBI5050MY9221MY9268 etc PWM

Skanerlash rejimi Statik, 1-32 scan randomly
Aloqa Gigabit Network
1pcs of receiving card support areas Ochiq havoda: 256W*256H
Receiving cards sequence Sequence randomly, and it can recognize the sequence by software or set up sequence by hand.

Receiving card connected speed by nanoseconds

Kulrang shkala 0-65536
Smart set Smart set by few simple steps, through display routine setting ,it could suit almost different PCB routine
Play contents Play videoanimation、rasm、matn、excel、PPT、timecounter etc
Sinov funktsiyalari It have self test button, could test modes of red、yashil、bluewhite、kulrang、oblique line、panjara、spots etc
Blanking Circuit Qo'llab-quvvatlash
Aloqa masofasi 150m use CAT5E OR CAT6 Cable (From Sending card to Receiving card)
Port 2pin 5V Power x1,Gigabit port x2??0pin HUB x2
Kuchlanishi 4V-6V
Ishlash harorati -40-85

Huidu Video Processor HD-VP1640 / HD-VP1240 / HD-VP620 / HD-VP1620 / HD-VP820 / HD-VP1220 / HD-VP210 / HD-VP410 / HDP601 / HDP703 / HDP901 / HDP902 / HD-VP8000

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot


0.5 kg

Ishlab chiqaruvchi



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