
Huidu HD-C1 Asynchronous LED Controller Card for Led Wall

Asl narxi edi: $90.00.Joriy narx: $85.00.


Purchase Huidu led controller systems for your stage rental video walls at best prices.

Huidu HD-C1 Asynchronous LED Controller Card has been ishlab chiqarishdan tashqarida. Iltimos, uning muqobil modeliga buyurtma bering: Huidu C10 Asynchronous control card.

Barcha buyurtmalar bo'yicha butun dunyo bo'ylab etkazib berish.

  • 30 kunlar oson qaytariladi
  • O'sha kuni jo'natish uchun 14:30 dan oldin buyurtma bering
Kafolatlangan xavfsiz hisob-kitob

Huidu HD-C1 Asynchronous LED Controller Card Introduction:

Model:HD- C1
Diapazon: 384*128
Elementlar:Asynchronous Full-color LED Display Controller
Memory 12MB Flash, Bundan ko'proq 2 soat??program support; Indefinite expanding of U-disk memory.
Aloqa??0/100M Ethernet
Areasall over the world
Effectsupport Indoor & tashqi to'liq rangli & bitta/ikki rangli modul
1.Product name :Asynchronous Full-color LED Display Controller HD-C1
2.Nazorat diapazoni:384*128
3.Xotira:512MB Flash, Bundan ko'proq 2 soat??program support; Indefinite expanding of U-disk memory
4.Support Video display, Image and Text Editing.
5.Simple and flexible user interface, easy to operate.

Huidu HD-C1 Asynchronous LED Controller Card Specification:

Nazorat diapazoni HD-C1:To'liq rang: 384*128 singe&

dual color 384*128

Port 10/100M Ethernet(RJ45)and U-disk

(512MB Flash, Bundan ko'proq 2 soat

program support, Indefinite expanding

of U-disk memory )

Video formati AVI/RMVB/RM/MPG/WMV/FLV/3GP/

MP4/VOB/MKV etc.

Kulrang shkala 0~65536 level
Dasturiy ta'minot Qo'shma san'at
Skanerlash rejimi Statik, 1/2 skanerlash, 1/4 skanerlash, 1/8 skanerlash &

1/16 scan etc.

Distance 100 metr
Advantages 1)IP recognized automatically and

grouped management

2)support audio and video output directly

3)U-disk expand memory limitless,

4)High grey and refresh ,

5)Set your company special Logo

6)Software setting easier, no need

set anything , most is smart set

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot



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