
Huidu C15 C15C HD-C16 HD-C36C Asynchronous Full color LED Display Control Card

Asl narxi edi: $106.65.Joriy narx: $101.25.


Purchase Huidu led controller systems for your stage rental and advertising video walls at best prices.

Huidu C15 C15C has been no longer in production and we recommend the alternative model as following:Huidu C16/C16C.

Barcha buyurtmalar bo'yicha butun dunyo bo'ylab etkazib berish.

  • 30 kunlar oson qaytariladi
  • O'sha kuni jo'natish uchun 14:30 dan oldin buyurtma bering
Kafolatlangan xavfsiz hisob-kitob

Huidu HD-C15 Asynchronous Full color LED Display Control Card Features:

The 3th Generation of Asynch LED control cardC15 84*320 C15C 84*320 C35 024*512)C15/C15C Widest 1024, Eng yuqori 512, C35 Widest 1024, Highest 1024Can be use for one receiving

  • Modul: HD-C15/C15C/C35
  • Boshqarish diapazoni: C15/C15C: 384*320, Eng keng 1024, Eng yuqori 512 C35: 1024*512, Eng keng 1024, Eng yuqori 1024
    • Xotira:16 GB
  • Ovoz chiqishi: Ha

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