
Colorlight Z6 PRO Super 4K LED displey boshqaruvchisi

Asl narxi edi: $19,440.00.Joriy narx: $14,413.00.


Z6 PRO Super Controller is a professional LED display controller with splicing, sending and processing functions. Z6 PRO has 4K video source input capability, UHD and HDR image processing and transmission.

Barcha buyurtmalar bo'yicha butun dunyo bo'ylab etkazib berish.

  • 30 kunlar oson qaytariladi
  • O'sha kuni jo'natish uchun 14:30 dan oldin buyurtma bering
Kafolatlangan xavfsiz hisob-kitob

ColorLight Z6 PRO Super Controller is a professional LED display controller with splicing, sending and processing functions.

Z6 PRO has 4K video source input capability, UHD and HDR image processing and transmission.

Z6 PRO hd video wall controller has four 10G fiber output portswhich 4k portable monitor can be applied to high-end rental display and high resolution LED displays.


Colorlight Z6 PRO Super LED Display Controller

Colorlight Z6 Pro Professional LED Display Super Controller


·Qo'llab-quvvatlaydi 4 pcs 4K input board, up to 4096×2160@60Hz resolution per board

·Qo'llab-quvvatlaydi 3 types of optional 4K input boards, including HDMI/DP, DVI×4, SDI×4;

·4 10G fiber output ports, loading capacity up to 8847360 piksellar, maximum width/height: 8192 piksellar;

·Low latency processing;

·Qo'llab-quvvatlaydi 16 PIP layers. The location and size can be adjusted freely;

·Supports video source switching, splicing, cropping and scaling;

·Supports HDR;

·Supports 3D video and display;

·Improved gray-scale at low brightness;

·Hue, saturation, contrast adjustment;

·Supports USB, LAN and RS232 control

·Supports Art-net control.

Colorlight Z-series Z4 Z6 Z6 PRO 4K UHD LED Video Processor

Input Interface
SDI 4 3G-SDI inputs
HDMI 2 HDMI/DP inputs
DVI 4 DVI kirishlari
Chiqish interfeysi
10G Fiber 4 channels, 10G fiber output ports, compatible with Neutrik
optical CON DUO fiber port and LC-LC fiber port
Controlling Interface
100M Ethernet 100M-Ethernet Control port (communication with PC, or access network), and can be used as Artnet control port
USB_OUT USB output, cascading with next controller
USB_IN USB input, which connect with PC to configure parameters
RS232 DB9 port, for commands and control via a central device
GENLOCK Genlock signal input ensures a perfectly synchronous image display
GENLOCK_LOOP Genlock synchronous signal loop output
3D sync Connect to 3D emitter
Input Index
Port Number Resolution Specification Remarks
SDI 4 1080p, 1080i, 720p



1 DP1.2

HDMI ??EIA/CEA-861 standard,

HDMI-2.0 compliant,

HDCP2.2 compliant

DPDP-1.2 standard and

HDCP1.3 compliant

3840×2160@60Hz 8bit: supports RGB444, YCbCr444, YCbCr422, YCbCr420

10bit: supports YCbCr422, YCbCr420



1920×1080@60hz 8/10bit: supports RGB444, YCbCr444, YCbCr422, YCbCr420


4096×2160@60Hz 8bit: supports RGB444, YCbCr444, YCbCr422, YCbCr420
DVI 4 VESA Standard, support HDCP, compatible with HDCP1.4 1920×1080@60hz 8bit : supports RGB444, YCbCr444, YCbCr422, YCbCr420
Output Index
Interfaces Compatible with Neutrik optical CON DUO fiber port and LC-LC fiber port
Color Depth Resolution Specification
2D mode 3D mode
8bit 8847360 pixels total, maximum height/width: 8192 piksellar 4423680 pixels totalmaximum height/width: 8192 piksellar;
10bit 8294400 pixels total, maximum height/width: 8192 piksellar 4147200 pixels total, maximum height/width: 8192 piksellar;
Etkazish masofasi 2km
To'liq mashinaning spetsifikatsiyasi
Hajmi 2U standard box(W 482.6mm x H 87mm x D 430mm??/td>
Kirish kuchlanishi AC 100 ~ 240 V,50/60Hz
Nominal quvvat iste'moli 150V
Ishlash harorati -20~50
Og'irligi 9.64kg

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot


10 kg


Hozircha sharhlar yo'q.

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