
Colorlight X4s Colorlight Professional LED Display Panel Controller

Asl narxi edi: $334.80.Joriy narx: $324.00.


X4s professional master is a professional LED display control device with powerful video signal reception and processing capability, which can receive high-definition digital signals up to 1920*1200 piksellar; support HDMI and DVI HD digital interface, seamless switching between multiple signals; support for arbitrary scaling and cropping of video sources.

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  • 30 kunlar oson qaytariladi
  • O'sha kuni jo'natish uchun 14:30 dan oldin buyurtma bering
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Colorlight X4s Colorlight Professional LED Display Panel Controller Overview:

The X4s professional master is a professional LED display control device with powerful video signal reception and processing capability, receiving high-definition digital signals up to 1920*1200 piksellar; supporting HDMI and DVI HD digital interface, seamless switching between multiple signals; supporting arbitrary scaling and cropping of video sources.
The X4s has four Gigabit Ethernet outputs and supports LED displays up to 4096 piksellar va 2560 pixels on its own.

Colorlight X4s Colorlight Professional LED Display Panel Controller Features:

The -X4s has Class 2 video input interfaces, shu jumladan 1 HDMI, 2 DVI.
-Kirish ruxsati: gacha 1920*, support any resolution setting.
-Video output carrying capacity: 2.6 million piksel, gacha 4096 dots wide and up to 2560 nuqta.
-Supports arbitrary switching, scaling and cropping of video sources.
-Supports screen shifting.
Dual USB2.0 high-speed communication interfaces for computer debugging and arbitrary cascading between the main controller.
-Yorqinlik va rang haroratini sozlashni qo'llab-quvvatlaydi.
-Supports low light and high grey.
-Supports HDCP1.1.
-Supports the full range of Carlite receiver cards, ko'p funktsiyali kartalar, fiber optic transceivers.


Colorlight X4s Colorlight Professional LED Display Panel Controller Parameter:

Kirish interfeysi
Chiqish interfeysi
Port 1/2 RJ45?? Gigabit Ethernet portlari
Boshqarish interfeysi
USB_OUT USB Used for cascading between x2s
USB_IN USB kirish, connected to PC, used to debug parameters
Input index
Interfeys Qty Rezolyutsiya
HDMI 1 HDMI 1.4 standart,Qo'llab-quvvatlash 1920*,HDCP-ni qo'llab-quvvatlash
DVI 1 1 DVI 1.0 standart,Qo'llab-quvvatlash 1920*,HDCP-ni qo'llab-quvvatlash
DVI 2 1 DVI 1.0 standart,Support 1920*1200Hz,HDCP-ni qo'llab-quvvatlash
Hajmi 1U standard
Kirish kuchlanishi AC100~240V
Nominal quvvat iste'moli 8V
Working Temperture -20~60


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Colorlight X4s Colorlight Professional LED Display Panel Controller

Colorlight X4s Colorlight Professional LED Display Panel Controller


Colorlight X4s Colorlight Professional LED Display Panel Controller

Colorlight X4s Colorlight Professional LED Display Panel Controller


Colorlight X4s Colorlight Professional LED Display Panel Controller

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