
Colorlight X3 Professional LED Screen Display Controller

Asl narxi edi: $260.00.Joriy narx: $250.00.


X3 - bu professional LED displey boshqaruvchisi. It possesses powerful video signal receiving and processing capacities, and supports HD digital signals, in which the maximum input resolution is 1920×1200 pixels. It supports HD digital ports including HDMI and DVI, and seamless switching between signals. It supports arbitrary scaling and cropping of video sources.

Barcha buyurtmalar bo'yicha butun dunyo bo'ylab etkazib berish.

  • 30 kunlar oson qaytariladi
  • O'sha kuni jo'natish uchun 14:30 dan oldin buyurtma bering
Kafolatlangan xavfsiz hisob-kitob

Colorlight X3 Professional LED Screen Display Controller Overview

X3 - bu professional LED displey boshqaruvchisi. It possesses powerful video signal receiving and processing capacities, and supports HD digital signals, in which the maximum input resolution is 1920×1200 pixels. It supports HD digital ports including HDMI and DVI, and seamless switching between signals. It supports arbitrary scaling and cropping of video sources.

X3 adopts 4 Gigabit Ethernet chiqishlari, and it supports LED displays of 4096 pixels in maximum width or 2560 pixels in maximum height. Ayni paytda, X3 is equipped with a series of versatile functions, which have many advantages in applications of manufacture and engineering.

Colorlight X3 Professional LED Screen Display Controller Features:

· Video kirish portlari, shu jumladan 1 × HDMI, 2×DVI;

·Supports input resolution up to 1920×;

· Yuklash qobiliyati:2.60 million piksel,Maksimal kenglik/balandlik: 4096 piksel/2560 piksel;

·Supports arbitrary switching of video input, and the image can be zoomed freely;

·Dual USB2.0 for high speed configuration and easy cascading;

·Supports splicing and cascading among several controllers with synchronization strictly;

·Supports brightness and chromaticity adjustment;

·Supports improved gray-scale at low brightness;

·Supports HDCP1.4??/p>

·Compatible with all receiving cards, multifunction cards, optical fiber converters of Colorlight.

Colorlight X3 Professional LED Screen Display Controller Parameter

Input Interface
HDMI HDMI 1.4 Standard, supports 1920× supports HDCP
DVI 1 DVI 1.0 Standard, supports 1920× supports HDCP
DVI 2 DVI 1.0 Standard, supports 1920× supports HDCP
Chiqish interfeysi
Port1/2/3/4 RJ45, 4 Gigabit Ethernet portlari
Controlling Interface
USB_OUT USB output, cascading with the next controller
USB_IN USB input, which connects with PC to configure parameters
Texnik xususiyatlari
Hajmi 1U standard box
Kirish kuchlanishi AC 100 ~ 240 V
Nominal quvvat iste'moli 8V
Ishlash harorati -40~70

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