
Colorlight i5A-907 Receiving Card Colorlight i5A-907 LED Display Receiver Card

Asl narxi edi: $25.00.Joriy narx: $10.00.


Buy Colorlight led display screen controller at factory prices for your video wall panels.

Yuklash quvvati: 256×256 piksel.

1) Support advanced sewing, color reproduction;
2) Support LCD display and cabinet monitoring;
3) Ko'p partiyali kalibrlashni qo'llab-quvvatlash, dasturning zaxira nusxasi;
4) Support low latency, support gray-scale refinement.

Barcha buyurtmalar bo'yicha butun dunyo bo'ylab etkazib berish.

  • 30 kunlar oson qaytariladi
  • O'sha kuni jo'natish uchun 14:30 dan oldin buyurtma bering
Kafolatlangan xavfsiz hisob-kitob

Colorlight i5A-907 Receiving Card is specially designed for the compact and portable led displays, such as rental led screen or casting aluminum cabinet, va boshqalar.

This rgb led module controller inherits all the advantages and features i5A series had, adopts a new generation image processing core, and greatly improve the display effect;

Adopts a new generation of system architecture, and possesses more intelligent function and more stable system, with lower screen card price, make its size and interfaces perfectly suit for casting aluminum display.

Colorlight I Series I5A I5A-907 I5A-905 LED Receiving card

Colorlight i5A-907 Receiving Card Colorlight i5A-907 LED Display Receiver Card Features

·Kichik o'lcham, special designed for the compact structure designs, like color screen and casting aluminum cabinet.

·Power supply from pin board without the need of external power supply, enhance hardware stability.

·New processing core, perfect in display effect.

·High refresh rate, high gray scale and high brightness with conventional chips.

·Perfect performance under lower grayscale status.

·Better detail processing: Partial dark at row, reddish at low gray, shadow problems can be solved.

·Supports the effective display at first grayscale value.

·Qo'llab-quvvatlaydi 14 bits high-precision point-by-point calibration in the Brightness and chromaticity.

·An'anaviy chiplarni qo'llab-quvvatlaydi, PWM chips and lighting chips, va boshqalar.

·gacha qo'llab-quvvatlaydi 1/64 skanerlash

·Supports any pumping point and data arbitrary offset, and realize various freeform display, spherical display, diamond display, creative display, va boshqalar.

·Qo'llab-quvvatlaydi 16 RGBR guruhlari??signal output and 24 groups RGB in maximum.

·Large loading capacity.

·Advanced design, high quality components, rigorous aging test, zero malfunction of final products.

·Wide working voltage range with DC 3.3~5.5V.

·Supports dual receiving card backup, loop zaxira, and dual-machine backup, va boshqalar.

·Compatible with S series Sender, Z series Sender and C series Sender, va boshqalar.

Boshqarish tizimi parametrlari
Sending device Compatible with S series Sender, Z series Sender and C series Sender, va boshqalar
Control area of every card To'liq rangli: 256×256 pixels, and for special applications the column can be extended to 1024 piksellar.
Correction area of every card 256×256 pixels
Cascade control area of the largest regional 65536×65536 piksel
Cascade card number 65536 PCS
Network port exchange Qo'llab-quvvatlanadi, o'zboshimchalik bilan foydalanish
Synchronization Nanosecond synchronization between the card and the card
Display Quality
Refresh rate for conventional chip Statik: 64×64, up to 16000Hz

1/8 skanerlash: 128×128, up to 10000Hz

Serial frequency 0.2MHz~41.7MHz
Kulrang daraja Maksimal 65536 darajalari
Minimum unit of OE values 8ns, 8ns multiples steps
Blanking Circuit Supports CD4051 blanking circuit
Gray scale compensation Each level grayscale compensate separately
Displey modulining mosligi
Chip supports An'anaviy chiplarni qo'llab-quvvatlaydi, PWM chips, lighting chips and other mainstream chips
PWM chip supports Supports hundreds of different specifications of the PWM chip, such as MBI, MY, SUM, va boshqalar
Skanerlash rejimi Conventional mode and high refresh rate mode to support refresh rate multiplied
Scan type gacha qo'llab-quvvatlaydi 1/64 skanerlash
Modul spetsifikatsiyalarini qo'llab-quvvatlash Qo'llab-quvvatlaydi 8192 har qanday qatordagi piksellar, har qanday ustun
The direction of the cable Chapdan o'ngga yo'nalishni qo'llab-quvvatlaydi, o'ngdan chapga, yuqoridan pastgacha, pastdan yuqoriga
Ma'lumotlar to'plami 16 RGBR guruhlari??parallel data; 24 groups RGB parallel data
Ma'lumotlar yig'ilgan Supports to fold on the same or opposite direction, which improve refresh rate significantly
Modul surati Har qanday nasos nuqtasini qo'llab-quvvatlaydi
Data serial transmission RGB, R8G8B8, R16G16B16, etc in the form of serial
Mos keladigan qurilma va interfeys turi
Aloqa masofasi UTP cable 40m CAT6 cable 70m

Optic fiber: Single Mode Fiber converter

Multi-Mode Fiber converter 50m (Use RP Repeater to extend unlimited)

Transmissiya uskunalari bilan mos keladi Gigabit kaliti, tolali konvertor, optik kalitlar
DC power interface Wire terminal or HUB board
HUB Interface Type Refer to signal interface definition below
Fizik parametrlar
Hajmi 137×48mm
Kirish kuchlanishi DC 3.3V-5.5V
Nominal oqim 0.6A
Nominal quvvat 3V
Storage and transport temperature -50℃~125
Ishlash harorati -25℃~75
Body static resistance 2KV
Og'irligi 70g
Monitoring function (in conjunction with mutil-function card)
Monitoring functions Real time monitoring environment information like temperature, namlik, smoke
Remote Control Supports for relay switch to turn on/off the power supply of equipments remotely
Piksel darajasini kalibrlash
Brightness calibration Qo'llab-quvvatlanadi
Chromaticity calibration Qo'llab-quvvatlanadi
Boshqa xususiyatlar
Hot backup Supports loop backup and dual-machine backup

Consult our technicians for more details

Shaped screen Supports various freeform display, spherical display, creative display, va boshqalar. through the data arbitrary offset

i5A-907 Specification V7.0 802KB



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