
Colorlight C3 Media Player C-Series LED Display Controller

Asl narxi edi: $100.00.Joriy narx: $50.00.


Purchase Colorlight led controller systems for your stage rental video walls at best prices.

Yuklash quvvati: 0.65 Million piksel

1) Maksimal kenglik 4096 piksellar, Max high 1536 piksellar;
2) Support HD video playback.
3) Ish kuchlanishi:DC5V;
4) Free cloud platform, cluster management.

Barcha buyurtmalar bo'yicha butun dunyo bo'ylab etkazib berish.

  • 30 kunlar oson qaytariladi
  • O'sha kuni jo'natish uchun 14:30 dan oldin buyurtma bering
Kafolatlangan xavfsiz hisob-kitob

Colorlight C3 Media Player – As a new generation of LED controller, C3 Player can control LED screen without computer, it is convenient and cost-efficient.

C3 adopts the industrial components and the embedded operating system, which is small, secure and stable.

As a brand new controller application, C3 has been widely used in advertisers display and digital signage, va boshqalar.

Colorlight C3 Media Player Features

·Maximum loading capacity: 655360 piksellar;

·Maximum Width: 4096 piksellar, Maximum Height: 1536 piksellar;

·8G memory, supports maximum external 128GB storage;

·Edit contents by LEDVISION, supports program schedule, multiple programs play ;

·Supports content publishing to U disc by LEDVISION, U disc plug-and-play;

·Supports program page multi-window arrangement, freely set the window size and position, and supports window overlapping;

·Rich media formats such as video, tasvir, matn, ofis, soat, weather etc.

·Program management and update through the USB line or fast Ethernet port.

Basic Parameters
Hardware 1.4GHz quad-core CPU

Quad-core GPU

1GB@1066MHz DDR3

1080P HD Hardware decoding

Xotira 8GB (System occupied 2.5G), external U disc supported
Yuklash quvvati Maximum loading capacity: 655360 piksellar; maksimal kenglik: 4096 piksellar, maximum height: 1536 piksellar
Receiving Card Supported All Colorlight receiving cards
Ethernet Output Output signal to receiving cards
Audio Output 1/8×(3.5mm)TRS
CONFIG Port Set screen parameters, content transmission
USB Ports 2×USB2.0, supports external storage (U disc or SD card, 128GB in maximum) or communication equipment
Ethernet Input Access LAN (WAN not supported)
DC Power Supply Standard 5V~12V input
Physical Parameters
Hajmi 128.5×103.6×28.3mm
Ishlash kuchlanishi DC 5V~12V
A/C Adapter AC 100~240V 50Hz
Rated Power 6V
Og'irligi 0.23kg
Ishlash harorati -25℃~60
Environmental Humidity 0-95% without condensation
File Format
Program Schedule Supports multiple Program play in sequence, support Program timing play
Program partition Supports program windows splice, overlapping
Video formati AVI, WMV, MPG, RM/RMVB, MOV, VOB, MP4, FLV, va boshqalar. Supports multiple videos play at the same time
Audio Format MPEG-1 Layer IIIAAC, va boshqalar
Rasm formati Bmp, jpg, png, va boshqalar
Text Format Xabar, rtf, so'z, ppt, excel, va boshqalar
Text Display Single Line Text, Static Text, Multi-Line text, va boshqalar
Play Window 4 video windows, multiple text/picture windows, scrolling text, scrolling image, LOGO, Date/Time/Week, weather. Flexible screen split, different contents in each window
OSD Supports 32bit OSD, supports video/text/picture mixture or overlap, and available for fully transparent, opaque, translucent effects
RTC Real-time Clock Display and Management
Terminal Management & Nazorat
Communication System Stand-alone or access LAN
Content Update U disc plug-and-play; Management terminal transmission
Management Devices PC, Android, iOS smart terminals
Ethernet Control Real-time brightness adjustment; Screen switch on/off; System parameters configuration; Content play control
Timing Switch on/off Set through LEDVISION
Dasturiy ta'minot LEDVISION 4.20/higher version

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot


1.5 kg


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