
ColorLight 5A-75B LED Screen Receiving Card

Asl narxi edi: $24.00.Joriy narx: $22.00.


ColorLight 5A-75B LED Screen Receiving Card, Support Full-color: 256*256 Piksellar, for special applications the volumn can be extended to 1024 piksellar, and also it integrated HUB75.

Barcha buyurtmalar bo'yicha butun dunyo bo'ylab etkazib berish.

  • 30 kunlar oson qaytariladi
  • O'sha kuni jo'natish uchun 14:30 dan oldin buyurtma bering
Kafolatlangan xavfsiz hisob-kitob

ColorLight 5A-75B LED Screen Receiving Card Features:

Integrated HUB75, no need to match the adapter plate, more convenient and lower cost;
Reduce the number of plug-in connectors and reduce the number of points of failure;
Supports conventional chips to achieve high refresh, baland kulrang, yuqori yorqinlik;
New grayscale engine for better performance in low grayscale;
Detail processing is more perfect, can eliminate the cell board design caused by a line of dark, low gray partial red, ghosting and other details of the problem;
Support 14bit precision chroma, brightness integration point by point correction;
Supports all conventional chips, PWM chips and lighting chips;
Support static screen, 1/2 ~ 1/32 scan between any type of scan;
Supports any spot, supports data offset, can easily achieve a variety of special-shaped screen, spherical screen, creative display;
Yagona kartani qo'llab-quvvatlaydi 16 groups RGB signal output;
Supports large load area;
Advanced design, high-quality components, automatic high and low temperature aging test, zero fault factory;
Supports DC 3.3V ~ 6V ultra-wide operating voltage, effectively reducing the impact of voltage fluctuations;
Supports all sending devices such as iT7 card, iQ7 HD transmitter, iQ7E, Gigabit LAN, C series.


More Pictures of ColorLight 5A-75B LED Screen Receiving Card:

ColorLight 5A-75B LED Screen Receiving Card

ColorLight 5A-75B LED Screen Receiving Card

ColorLight 5A-75B LED Screen Receiving Card

ColorLight 5A-75B LED Screen Receiving Card

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