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led video wall supplier (2)

Introduction to LED Display Screen Characteristics for Advertising Walls

With the continuous development of technology and the continuous improvement of LED display technology, LED display products are gradually moving towards high-end. LED displays are controlled by computers, and intelligent full-color LED displays that integrate light and electricity have been widely applied in various fields. Its pixel points use LED light-emitting diodes, which are arranged […]

led video wall supplier (1)

The competition for small pitch LED displays is fierce

In the current field of large screen displays, small pitch LED screen has become a trendy technology that cannot be ignored, attracting many manufacturers to enter. Not only traditional LED display manufacturers, but also professional DLP manufacturers such as Weichuang and Caixun are competing for cross-border opportunities. The so-calledeveryone gathers firewood, the flame is […]

led video wall supplier (1)

Does temperature have an impact on full-color LED display screens

The application of full-color LED displays is becoming increasingly widespread, and I believe many people have some understanding of full-color LED displays. This article mainly discusses one of the factors that affect LED full-color displays, harorat. Full color LED displays have advantages such as energy conservation, environmental protection, and long lifespan. Biroq, temperature has a […]

led screen factory (2)

Six Misunderstandings in LED Screen Procurement

This article summarizes six common misconceptions in LED screen procurement for your reference and reference. The six common misconceptions in LED screen procurement, 1、 100000 hours of lifespan: The technical information provided by the LED display manufacturer indicates that the lifespan of the LED emitter is 100000 hours under ideal conditions. Ideal conditions refer to […]

led screen factory (1)

Three common problems in LED screen maintenance and reparing

With the development of technology and the continuous improvement of LED display technology, the service life of LED screens has been greatly improved and extended. Biroq, even electronic products with good quality cannot be maintained without maintenance. Many customer friends have not truly understood the operation and usage precautions related to LED screens, which ultimately […]

stage led displays

The difference between LED soft screen and conventional LED displays

Do you know the difference between it and a regular LED screen? This article will take you to a detailed understanding of some characteristics of LED soft screen. LED screen is currently the most popular outdoor large screen, characterized by flexible application, simple installation, easy maintenance, and high brightness; The characteristics of LED soft screen […]

led reklama paneli

LED video ekranlarining yorqinligini qanday tekshirish va ajratish mumkin?

LED displeyning yorqinlik darajasi qanday? LED ekranlarning yorqinligini qanday tekshirish va ajratish mumkin? O'ylaymanki, ko'pchilik bu masaladan xavotirda, lekin bir nechtasi transport uchun samarali echimlarni taqdim eta oladi. Display Technology muhandislik xodimlari sizga quyidagi tarkibda batafsil javoblar beradi. Let’s start learning […]

led ekran moduli

LED displey bilan ishlashda umumiy muammolar va javoblar

LED ekranlar uchun birinchi e'tibor, albatta, foydalanuvchi saytining ruxsat etilgan ekran maydoni, bu nafaqat saytning haqiqiy hajmini hisobga oladi, balki ko'rish burchagi va ko'rish chizig'i ham. Xo'sh, LED ekranlar maydoniga ta'sir qiluvchi omillar qanday? (1) The relationship between the effective line […]

led display control system

How is the LED display screen control system working?

LED Display Control System, also known as LED Display Controller or LED Display Control Card. It is the core component that makes up the LED display screen, mainly responsible for receiving image and video display information from the computer serial port or DVI interface, placing it in frame memory, and generating serial display data and […]

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