
TS921 LINSN Sending Card L202 LED Controller LINSN TS921 LED Sending Card Full Function

harga aslina éta: $135.00.harga ayeuna nyaeta: $128.25.


Panggihan Linsn dipingpin sistem controller pikeun témbok video indoor na outdoor anjeun kalawan harga pangalusna.

Features of TS921 LINSN Sending Card L202 LED ControllerCapacity: 1.3 millions pixelsSize: 126.11mm*99.69mm.

Linsn TS921 Ngirim Kartu Led Témbongkeun sinkron.

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  • Mesen anjeun sateuacan 2.30pm pikeun pengiriman dinten anu sami
Dijamin Aman Checkout

TS921 LINSN Sending Card L202 LED Controller LINSN TS921 LED Sending Card Full Function Parameter.

1. One DVI video signal input;

2. Supports 4K video source input;

3. Supports reading back RCG file;

4. Supports broadcasting RCG file;

5. Supports broadcasting CON file;

6. Supports 12-bit/10-bit/8-bit video input;

7. Supports 16-bit grayscale display;

8. One audio input;

9. Using PCI-E 1X port, the computer compatibility will be better;

10. Double port outputsupports 2048X640, 1280X1024 video source and so on.

More Pictures of Linsn TS921 Sending Card Led Display Synchronous:

TS921 LINSN Sending Card L202 LED Controller

TS921 LINSN Sending Card L202 LED Controller

TS921 LINSN Sending Card L202 LED Controller

TS921 LINSN Sending Card L202 LED Controller

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