
P5.95 outdoor front service LED module panel 250mmx250mm front and rear service LED module

harga aslina éta: $76.28.harga ayeuna nyaeta: $74.25.


Kéngingkeun modul dipimpin luar jero ruangan ti produsén Cina kalayan harga pangsaéna.

Piksel pitch:5.95mm.

tipe LED: SMD2727.

Module size: 250*250 mm..

Model pixel: 42*42Piksel.

pengiriman barang sakuliah dunya dina sagala pesenan.

  • 30 poé mulih gampang
  • Mesen anjeun sateuacan 2.30pm pikeun pengiriman dinten anu sami
Dijamin Aman Checkout

P5.95 Outdoor Front Service LED Module Panel 250mmx250mm Front and Rear Service LED Module.

Outdoor P5.95mm Front and Rear Service SMD LED Display Module Size is 250mmx250mm With42x42 dots.


  • Kami ngarékoméndasikeun yén anjeun mésér modul anu dipimpin angkatan anu sami sakaligus pikeun Tampilan LED anu sami.,file config malah béda.
  • Upami anjeun hoyong ngawangun layar dipimpin,mangga mésér modul LED cukup jeung suku cadang.
  • Tarif atanapi Tugas di tujuan teu kalebet. Upami anjeun gaduh patarosan ngeunaan Impor ka nagara anjeun,mangga ngahubungan kami jualan online.

P5.95 Outdoor Front Service LED Module Panel 250mmx250mm Front and Rear Service LED Module Main Specifications:

Items Parameter
Product Model P5.95mm outdoor Dual Service LED Module
Module size 250x250mm
resolution ratio 42*42titik-titik
Piksel pitch 5.95mm
Pixel density 28224dots/sqm
Konfigurasi piksel SMD 3in1
Driving method Constant Current Driving,1/7nyeken
Working voltage DC5V
Module maximum power consumption 55W/Pc
Led Lamps SMD2727

Electrical Parameters

Frame rate 60Hz/Second
Laju nyegerkeun 1920HZ
Brightness in White Color (cd/m2): 5500-6000 CD/m2
Contrast ratio 3000:1
Saumur hirup 100000 jam
Kalembaban operasi 10%-90%RH
Average power consumption 350W/m2 (MAX 850)
Sudut Témbongkeun 120(Horizontal),120(Nangtung)
Jarak Ningali Pangalusna 5.9m-59m
Input Voltage 110V/60HZ-220V/50Hz Switchable

LEDs kualitas luhur:

High-Quality SMD 3in1 LED Display Module are equipped with data cables and power cables and 2 Garansi Taun, Kabéh panels LED outdoor kalawan kacaangan tinggi na uniformity warna pikeun mastikeun tampilan LED boga kinerja visual alus teuing.

72+ Jam Sepuh

72 Tes sepuh jam (sepuh kasaimbangan bodas (2× 24 jam) jeung video sepuh (24 jam)) pikeun ningkatkeun reliabilitas panel tampilan LED luar.

Hareupeun & Rear Maintanence Service:

Dual-mode maintenance (Hareupeun & Rear Service) outdoor LED module , saving the maintenance space and being compatible with hard installation conditions.

Inpormasi Tambahan


0.7 kg


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