P2.604 Outdoor Rental LED Display 500×500 Curved LED Screen With Cabinet


Buy indoor outdoor led video displays for rental and advertising purposes.

  • Ukuran ngaropéa.
  • Pituduh téknologi gratis.
  • 5% Spare Part, Sasayogian tanaga, kartu panarima kaasup.
  • Waktos prosés: 5-7 poé gawé.


pengiriman barang sakuliah dunya dina sagala pesenan.

  • 30 poé mulih gampang
  • Mesen anjeun sateuacan 2.30pm pikeun pengiriman dinten anu sami
Dijamin Aman Checkout

P2.604 Outdoor Rental LED Display 500×500 Curved LED Screen With Cabinet Details.

  • 2 Garansi Taun.
  • Magnesium Alloy.
  • Pituduh téknologi gratis
  • 5% Spare Part, Sasayogian tanaga, kartu panarima included..
  • Waktos prosés: 15-21 poé gawé.
  • Bungkusan:Flight Case
  • Customized: If have special needs on size, lamps, IC or other requests, pls contact us.

MA500 LED Cabinet Details

P2.604 Outdoor Rental LED Display 500×500 Curved LED Screen With Cabinet

Barang Parameter Téknis
Nationstar REESTAR LED Chip Parameters
Ngaran barang Tipe LED
LED beureum SMD1415
LED héjo SMD1415
LED biru SMD1415
HTL LED DISPLAY Module Specification
Pitch piksel HTL LED-P2.604mm
Kapadetan piksel 147,456 piksel/m2
Konfigurasi LED Nationstar SMD RGB 3in1
Package Mode SMD1415
Ukuran modul 250mm X 250mm
Resolusi modul 96 x 96 piksel
Modul Pixles 9216 piksel
Konsumsi Daya Max 50W
Ketebalan modul 25mm
Papan PCB 4 Lapisan PCB Board Jeung 1.6mm
IC nyetir MBI5253 or ICN2163
Tipe Drive drive konstan
Nyetir Métode Scan Mode Dinamis 1/16 Kawajiban ayeuna konstan
Port Interface Tipe HUB75
Tegangan Input modul DC5V
Caang of White Balance 5500cd/
Topeng Modul Hideung murni topeng-layar kontras luhur
Cabinet Size 500mm×500mm×65mm or 500mm×1000mm×65mm
Bahan Kabinet Die-casting Aluminum
Beurat Kabinet 6.5kg
Resolusi Kabinet 192(H)×192(V)
Cabinet Density 36864pixels/cabinet
Cabinet Maintenance Way: Hareupeun & Rear
Parameter listrik
Caang 5500cd/
Skala kulawu 16bit
Sudut Témbongkeun 160 degree ( horisontal) 160degree(nangtung)
Best View Distance 2m-50m
Max Power Consumption 800w/
Avg Power Consumption 300w/
Daya Operasi AC100-240V 50-60HZ Switchable
LED Control System
Parangkat lunak NOVASTAR LED, Compatible with LINSN LED, COLORLIGHT LED
Tingkat Skala Koréksi 256bit
Frékuénsi Apdet pigura 60Hz
Fresh frequency 1920-3840
Koréksi Gamma -5.0
Support Input Video komposit, S-Video, DVI, HDMI, VGA, SDI, HD_SDI
Kontrol Jarak Ethernet cable 100m, optical fiber 5km
Suhu Warna 5000-9200 adjustable
Koréksi Caang dot by dot, modul ku modul, kabinet ku kabinet
Working Parameter
Kahirupan Operasi 100,000 jam
Kalembaban Operasi 15-90% RH
Operating Temperature. -25-65 darajat Celsius
MTBF 10,000 Hours
Tingkat panyalindungan IP65
Kaluar Control Laju piksel 0.01%
Waktos Gawé Terus-terusan 72 Hours
Panganteur Ethernet baku
Jarak Pangiriman Multi mode serat <500m, serat mode tunggal <30km,kabel internét <100m
Power Supply Brand G-energy, MeanWell, Chuanglian or as you required
Sertipikat CE, RoHS, FCC, UL, EMC


P2.604 Outdoor Rental LED Display 500×500 Curved LED Screen With Cabinet P2.604 Outdoor Rental LED Display 500×500 Curved LED Screen With Cabinet P2.604 Outdoor Rental LED Display 500×500 Curved LED Screen With Cabinet

Inpormasi Tambahan


42 kg


HTL Témbongkeun


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