
P2.5 Indoor Flexible LED Display Panels 240x120mm for sale LED Screen Magnet Soft Flexible LED Module

harga aslina éta: $41.75.harga ayeuna nyaeta: $40.00.


Kéngingkeun modul dipimpin luar jero ruangan ti produsén Cina kalayan harga pangsaéna.

P2.5 Indoor 240x120mm LED Screen Magnet Soft Flexible LED Modulecan be used for curved iron cabinets

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P2.5 Indoor Flexible LED Display Panels 240x120mm for sale LED Screen Magnet Soft Flexible LED Module .

Perhatikeun sateuacan pesenan

1) Bagian kaasup: LED module, signal cable between modules, power cable between module and power supply.

2) Buy modules of same batch: to avoid brightness and color difference on one single screen, you must buy modules of the same batch. nyaeta, you must buy the modules for one single screen by one order from us.

3) Caution: Our LED modules can NOT be used as spare parts of your existing old LED display. We don’t offer technical support or services if you used our LED modules to replace existing old LED modules.

4) Tarif:our price does not include any tariffs or duties at the destination, Anjeun kedah ngalakukeun impor bea cukai sareng mayar sadayana tarif atanapi tugas sacara lokal.

P2.5 Indoor Flexible LED Display Panels 240x120mm for sale LED Screen Magnet Soft Flexible LED Module Parameter:

Parameter modul
Pitch piksel 2.5mm
Konfigurasi piksel SMD1515
Kapadetan 160,000 piksel
Resolusi modul 96piksel(L) * 48piksel(H)
Dimensi modul 240mm(L) * 120mm(H) * 8.5mm(D)
Modeu nyetir Arus konstan, 1/24 kawajiban
Parameter listrik
Peunteun optik
Caang 1000 cd
Sudut Témbongkeun 120
Jarak Ningali Pangalusna 2.5m
Gray Gray 14 bit
Warna tampilan 4.4 trillion colors
adjustment kacaangan 100 sasmita ku software atawa otomatis ku sensor
Max. Konsumsi Daya 10 W
Sistim kontrol
Frékuénsi pigura 60Hz
Frékuénsi Refresh 1920Hz
Sinyal Input Video komposit, S-video, DVI, HDMI, SDI, HD-SDI
Kontrol Jarak 100m(kabel Ethernet);
20KM(kabel serat optik)
Rojongan VGA Mode 800*600, 1024*768, 1280*1024, 1600*1200
Suhu Warna 5000??300 adjustable
Koréksi Caang Piksel ku piksel, modul ku modul, kabinet ku kabinet
Suhu Gawé -20+60 ºC
Suhu Panyimpenan -30+70 ºC
Kalembaban Gawé 10%-90% RH
Saumur hirup 100,000 jam
MTBF 5000 jam
Waktos Operasi Kontinyu 72 jam
Kelas panyalindungan IP31
Laju Piksel Kaluar Kontrol 0.01%


More Pictures of P2.5 Indoor 240x120mm LED Screen Magnet Soft Flexible LED Module:

 P2.5 Indoor 240x120mm LED Screen Magnet Soft Flexible LED Module

 P2.5 Indoor 240x120mm LED Screen Magnet Soft Flexible LED Module

 P2.5 Indoor 240x120mm LED Screen Magnet Soft Flexible LED Module

 P2.5 Indoor 240x120mm LED Screen Magnet Soft Flexible LED Module

 P2.5 Indoor 240x120mm LED Screen Magnet Soft Flexible LED Module

 P2.5 Indoor 240x120mm LED Screen Magnet Soft Flexible LED Module

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