
Novastar TB6 LED Multimedia Player TB60 Taurus Controller Box

harga aslina éta: $513.00.harga ayeuna nyaeta: $492.75.


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Novastar TB6 LED Multimedia Player TB60 Taurus Controller Box.

Produk séri Taurus mangrupikeun generasi kadua pamaén multimedia anu didédikasikeun pikeun tampilan warna LED leutik sareng ukuran média anu dikembangkeun ku NovaStar.

TB6 of the Taurus series products feature following advantages, better satisfying users.

Loading capacity up to 1,300,000 piksel.
Synchronization mechanism for multi-screen playing.
Powerful processing capability.
Omnidirectional control plan.
Synchronous and asynchronous dual-mode.
Dual-Wi-Fi mode.
4G module.
Redundant backup.


If the user has a high demand on synchronization, the time synchronization module is recommended. For details, please consult our technical staff.

In addition to program publishing and screen control via PC, mobile phones and LAN,the omnidirectional control plan also supports remote centralized publishing and monitoring.

If 4G network is required, please buy the 4G module based on the 4G network service requirements in the country or region, and install it in advance.

Taurus series products can be widely used in LED commercial display field, such as bar screen, chain store screen, advertising machine, mirror screen, retail store screen,door head screen, on board screen and the screen requiring no PC.

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