Novastar Taurus Series T3 Full Color Multimedia Player Controller Card.
1.1. Pintonan sinkron.
The T3 support switching on/off unction of synchronous display.
Nalika tampilan sinkron diaktipkeun, the same content can be played on different displays synchronously if the time of different T3 units are synchronous with one another and the same program is being played.
Klasifikasi | Katerangan |
Jenis pasar | •Média Iklan: Dipaké pikeun iklan sareng promosi inpormasi kalebet layar bar sareng mesin iklan,
• Tanda digital: Pikeun dianggo pikeun tampilan signage di toko ritel kaasup layar toko ritel sareng layar sirah panto. • tampilan komérsial informasi komérsial hotél, bioskop jeung mall balanja, kayaning layar toko ranté. |
Modeu jaringan | •layar bebas: Anggo PC atanapi parangkat lunak klien telepon sélulér pikeun ngaktipkeun sambungan titik tunggal sareng manajemén layar.
• Layar klaster: Anggo solusi klaster anu dikembangkeun ku NovaStar pikeun ngawujudkeun manajemén terpusat sareng monitor sababaraha layar. |
Jenis sambungan | • Sambungan kabel: Hiji PC nyambung ka Taurus ngaliwatan kabel Ethernet atawa LAN.
•Koneksi Wi-Fi: PC, Pad jeung handphone bisa nyambung ka Taurus ngaliwatan Wi-Fi, nu bisa diaktipkeun dina kasus tanpa PC ditéang jeung software ViPlex, |
1.2. Kamampuh Processing kuat
The T3 feature powerful hardware processing capability:
• Rojongan pikeun decoding hardware video 1080P
Eight-core processor
2 GB operating memory and 8 GB internal storage space.
T3`s Wi-Fi AP signal strength is related to the transmit distance and environment. Pamaké bisa ngarobah anteneu Wi-Fi sakumaha diperlukeun.
Mode Nyambungkeun | Terminal klien | Software patali |
Nyambungkeun via garis jaringan Sambungan via Wi-Fi | PC | ViPlex Express NovaLCT-Taurus |
Sambungan via LAN | PC | ViPlex Express NovaLCT-Taurus |
Sambungan via Wi-Fi | Handphone jeung Pad | ViPlex Handy |
Wi-Fi AP = Star / kabel / 4G | Handphone jeung PC | ViPlex Handy ViPlex Express |
Wi-Fi AP = Sta / kabel / 5G | Handphone jeung PC | ViPlex Handy ViPlex Express |
1.3.1 Modeu AP Wi-Fi
Users connect the Wi-Fi AP of a T3 to directly access the T3 .The SSID is “AP + panungtungan 8 angka SN?? salaku conto, "AP10000033?? sareng kecap konci standar nyaéta 12345678
1.3.2 Wi-Fi Sta Mode
Configure an external router for a T3 and users can access the T3 by connecting the external router. If an external router is configured for multiple T3 units, LAN bisa dijieun. Users can access any of the T3 via the LAN.
1.3.3 Wi-Fi AP + Sta Mode
Dina Wi-Fi AP + modeu sambungan Sta, users can either directly access the T3 or access Internet through bridging connection. Kana solusi klaster, VNNOX sareng NovaiCare tiasa ngawujudkeun penerbitan program jarak jauh sareng ngawaskeun jarak jauh masing-masing ngalangkungan Internét.
1.4. Nyadangkeun kaleuleuwihan
T3 support network redundant backup and Ethernet port redundant backup
Jaringan kaleuleuwihan cadangan: The T3 automatically selects internet connection mode among wired network, Wi-Fi Sta atanapi jaringan 4Gg nurutkeun prioritas.
port Ethernet cadangan kaleuleuwihan: The T3 enhances connection reliability through active and standby redundant mechanism for the Ethernet port used to connect with the receiving card
Méja 2-1 Indicators of the T3
No | Warna Indikator | Status Indikator | Katerangan |
1 | Héjo | Boh indikator héjo sareng konéng dihurungkeun sakaligus. | Produk disambungkeun ka kabel Gigabit Ethernet jeung status sambungan normal. |
2 | Konéng | Salawasna on | Produk disambungkeun ka 100M kabel Ethernet jeung status sambungan normal. |
3 | Beureum | Salawasna on | Input kakuatan normal. |
4 | Héjo | Kedip-kedip sakali unggal 2 detik. | Sistemna beroperasi normal. |
Kedip-kedip sakali unggal 0.5 kadua. | Sistem ngirim data. | ||
Salawasna on / off | Sistemna beroperasi sacara abnormal. | ||
5 | Héjo | Salawasna on | Produk disambungkeun ka Internet sarta status sambungan normal. |
Kedip-kedip sakali unggal 2 detik. | Produk disambungkeun ka VNNOX sarta status sambungan normal. | ||
6 | Héjo | Sarua salaku status lampu sinyal tina kartu ngirim | FPGA beroperasi normal. |
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