
NovaStar NovaPro HD LED Video Processor

harga aslina éta: $2,649.00.harga ayeuna nyaeta: $2,620.00.


DJ NovaPro UHD Jr is NovaStar’s all-in-one controller with integrated video processing and sending card functions well suited for led rental stage control for video wall.

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Dijamin Aman Checkout

NovaStar NovaPro HD LED Video Processor Details.

NovaPro HD LED Video Processor has the function of display control, and powerful front end processing, so an external scalar is no longer needed.

Parangkat lunak komputer pikeun konfigurasi sistem henteu diperyogikeun, too.

You can also configure the system with browsers. This gives you the option of using a remote PC (Windows or Mac or Linux), a pad or even a smart phone.

NovaStar NovaPro HD LED Video Processor Specification
Input Power 100~250VAC0/60Hz65A
Overall Power Consumption 30W
Work Temperature -20~60/td>
Ukuran 483×389×88
Wight 6Kg

Inpormasi Tambahan


11 kg




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