
Novastar MRV412 LED Display Receiving Card

harga aslina éta: $17.00.harga ayeuna nyaeta: $16.00.


Mésér Novastar dipingpin sistem controller pikeun témbok video rental panggung anjeun kalawan harga pangalusna.

The MRV412 is a general receiving card developed by NovaStar. A single MRV412 loads up to 512×512 pixels (NovaLCT V5.3.1 or later required). Supporting various functions such as color management, 18Bit+, pixel level brightness and chroma calibration, individual Gamma adjustment for RGB, and 3D, the MRV412 can significantly improve the display effect and user experience.

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Novastar MRV412 LED Display Receiving Card Features??/strong>

·Color management
Switch the color gamut of the screen between multiple gamuts to enable more precise colors on the screen.

Improve the LED display grayscale by 4 times,avoiding grayscale loss due to low brightness and allowing for a smoother image.

·Pixel level brightness and chroma calibration
Working with NovaLCT and NovaCLB, the receiving card supports brightness and chroma calibration on each LED, which can effectively remove color discrepancies and greatly improve LED display brightness and chroma consistency, allowing for better image quality.

·Quick adjustment of dark or bright lines
The dark or bright lines caused by splicing of modules or cabinets can be adjusted to improve the visual experience. The adjustment can be easily made and takes effect immediately.

·3D function
Working with the sending card that supports 3D function, the receiving card supports 3D output.

·Individual Gamma adjustment for RGB
Working with NovaLCT (V5.2.0 or later) and the sending card that supports this function, the receiving card supports individual adjustment of red Gamma, green Gamma and blue Gamma,which can effectively control image nonuniformity under low grayscale and white balance offset, allowing for a more realistic image.

·Image rotation in 90° increments
The display image can be set to rotate in multiples of 90° (0°/90°/180°/270°).

·Mapping function
The cabinets can display the receiving card number and Ethernet port information, allowing users to easily obtain the locations and connection topology of receiving cards.

·Setting of a pre-stored image in receiving card
The image displayed on the screen during startup, or displayed when the Ethernet cable is disconnected or there is no video signal can be customized.

·Temperature and voltage monitoring
The receiving card temperature and voltage can be monitored without using peripherals.

·Cabinet LCD
The LCD module of the cabinet can display the temperature, voltage, single run time and total run time of the receiving card.

·Bite error detection
The Ethernet port communication quality of the receiving card can be monitored and the number of erroneous packets can be recorded to help troubleshoot network communication problems.NovaLCT V5.2.0 or later is required.

·Firmware program readback
The receiving card firmware program can be read back and saved to the local computer.
NovaLCT V5.2.0 or later is required.

·Configuration parameter readback
The receiving card configuration parameters can be read back and saved to the local computer.

Novastar MRV412 LED Display Receiving Card

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