
Lumén C-Power 5 Runtuyan LED Control Card Full Color Controller System

harga aslina éta: $69.27.harga ayeuna nyaeta: $68.50.


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Lumen C Power 5 with 4096-grade grey-scale, more powerful function with lower price, which make them much higher cost-performance and more competitive in the market.

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Dijamin Aman Checkout

Lumén C-Power 5 Series LED Card Full Color Controller System with 4096-grade grey-scale, more powerful function with lower price, which make them much higher cost-performance and more competitive in the market.
Lumén C-Power 5 Series Full Color Controller Product Introduction:
C-Power 5series card is the newly released newest full color grey-scale controller of Shenzhen Lumen Electronics Co.,ltd.
C-Power 5series card is more powerful with lower price, which make them much higher cost-performance and more competitive in the market.
C-Power 5series card is with 4096-grade grey-scale, support smart setting, easily to set all kinds of LED display.
C-Power 5series card and C-Power full series products the same, with the same external protocol and secondary development interface.
C-Power 5series card different versions:
C-Power50A(TCP/IP and USB version) ; C-Power51A(WIFI version);C-Power51A-U(WIFI and USB version);
C-Power51A-RN(WIFI and TCP/IP version); C-Power52A(GPRS version.
Lumen -Power 5 Series Full Color Controller Feature and Specification:
Ukuran kontrol 512*256piksel, 4096-skala abu kelas
(pinuh , warna mono/RG)
Mémori Total size: 256Mbyte
Ukuran program: 128Mbyte
spasi perpustakaan font: 128Mbyte
Program Sadaya program dikirimkeun ku pakét komprési, lajeng decompressed dina kartu kontrol.
Supports video program
Ngarojong animasi(swf,gif) , gambar, téks, jam, suhu, jsb.
Édit program téks dina basa naon waé, naon waé font sareng ukuran naon waé, bébas ngaluyukeun
Teks transparan sareng program jam tiasa diédit pikeun nutupan poto atanapi pidéo
Langkung ti 60 épék pikeun téks sareng gambar, sapertos: salju ragrag, mosaik, ngageser zebra, kipas buka jeung sajabana.,
Kalawan mode multi-program. Toko nepi ka 512 program kana layar Led.
Kalayan manajemén hirarki program dina jinis ménu supados ngajaga struktur anu jelas sareng pangropéa anu saé.
Ngarojong program anu dimaénkeun dina waktos anu ditunjuk (salaku conto: minggu, jam, menit )
Modeu jandela misah Ngarojong segmentation nepi ka sapuluh maén jandéla pikeun tiap program.
Ngarojong maén eusi dina format béda pikeun tiap jandela maén.
Fitur pakait Kalayan jam real-time (RTC) manajemén jeung setting, ngadukung jam digital sareng analog.
Ngarojong program data lingkungan sapertos suhu, jsb.
Ngarojong sensor dipasang externally (32-kacaangan kelas)
Perpustakaan font 128spasi perpustakaan font MB
The card can be stored different font library and can be changed free, saperti basa Inggris, Cina (disederhanakeun atawa tradisional), Basa Jepang, Korea jeung sajabana.,
Nepi ka 8 different font libraries can be stored and displayed at the same time
We supply font library edit tools and update tools
Support Hong Kong supplementary character fonts, Hindi
software baku LedCenter V5.3.3 or above
Modeu komunikasi standar TCP/IP and USB versionTCP/IP network interfaceU disk interface
WIFI versionintegrate WIFI module
Vérsi GPRS:ngahijikeun modul GPRS(Dual-band or Quad-band)
All version of the standard RS232/RS485 : laju baud maksimum: 115200
InDa jauh & kibor Daptar program éditan jeung kontrol tampilan ku controller infra red atawa keyboard
Komponén komunikasi éksternal Ngarojong rupa-rupa modeu komunikasi nirkabel: ZigBee, RF…
Lain Provides customized development interface andits manual.
Provides demonstration program and source codeforcustomized development
Salian ti éta, provides “Wireless information issue”version.

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