
Linsn X8414 Video Processor Sistim LED Témbongkeun Controller

harga aslina éta: $2,000.00.harga ayeuna nyaeta: $1,150.00.


Mésér Linsn dipingpin sistem controller pikeun témbok video rental panggung anjeun kalawan harga pangalusna.

Kapasitas ngamuat: 8.3 million pixel.

1) Ngarojong 14 gigabit outputs, up to 8.3 juta piksel;
2) Supports up to 11520 pixels horizontally or up to 4000 pixels vertically;
3) Ngarojong 4 images which can be set in any position with any size ;
4) Supports dual USB2.0 communication for setup or cascade.

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  • 30 poé mulih gampang
  • Mesen anjeun sateuacan jam 14.30 kanggo kiriman dinten anu sami
Dijamin Aman Checkout

Linsn X8414 Video Processor LED Display Controller is a two-in-one (sender plus video processor) 4-image controller designed and produced by Linsn, which supports up to 8.3 juta piksel; up to 11520 pixels horizontally or up to 4000 pixels vertically;

X8414 led control box is a reliable and high performance led screen controller. It uses mature video processing solution and 8bit color processing to show colorful and clear image. Dual network outputs for led screen, which led screen scaler is easy to use and install. It is a best choice for advertisement in mall, hotel and exhibit.

Linsn X8414 Video Processor LED Display Controller system Functions:

Ngarojong 4 DVI inputs;
Ngarojong 14 gigabit outputs;
Ngarojong 4 images which can be set in any position with any size ;
Support fade in/out effects;
Supports easy and quick software control;
Supports up to 8.3 juta piksel; up to 11520 pixels horizontally or up to 4000 pixels vertically;
Supports dual USB2.0 communication for setup or cascade;


Inpormasi Tambahan


11 kg


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