
Linsn TS901 HDMI LED Sending Card for Led Advertising Sign

harga aslina éta: $120.00.harga ayeuna nyaeta: $100.00.


Mésér Linsn dipingpin sistem controller pikeun témbok video rental panggung anjeun kalawan harga pangalusna.

Kapasitas ngamuat: 1.3 Million Pixel / 2048*640 Piksel.

1) 901 Sending card including: TS901 (Full color) and DS901 (Double color).
2) 901 sending card max support 2048*640, and support customized resolution.

Catetan: TS921 can replace TS901.

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Dijamin Aman Checkout

Linsn TS901 HDMI LED Sending Card TS901 sender card is the latest Update version of Linsn sending card TS802D, It has all the function of TS802D led control card and also compatible with all linsn receiving card.

1.901 Sending card including: TS901 (Full color) and DS901 (Double color);

2.Full color sending card supports full color, double color and single color led screen;

3.Double color sending card supports double color and single color led screen;

4.901 sending card max support 2048*640, and support customized resolution;

5.Support configuration file (.RCG) broadcasting function;

6.Replacing receiving card without resending .RCG file;

7.Support display connection file (.CON) broadcasting function;

8.Replacing receiving card without resending .CON file;

9.Support HDMI input, support HDMI format HD video input (such as from DVD player);

10.Support zoom in/out;

11.Can put whole computer LCD monitor content on LED screen with zoom in/out function;

12. TS901 has 1 DVI signal input port,1 audio input port, and 2 network output port;

13. It can receive data from DVD player, Camera and other external addon multi-media devices, and max support 655,360 pixel LED Display Screen;

14. Further more, if work with the outer box, TS901 Can control the LED Display Panel Brightness Mannually at 16-degree, 32-gelar, and 64-degree;

15. TS901 also support 60hz and 30hz mode signal output mode with the utilization of it’s 2 data output port.

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1.5 kg


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