
Linsn RV927 Rental LED Display Recipient Card

harga aslina éta: $30.48.harga ayeuna nyaeta: $27.50.


Panggihan Linsn dipingpin sistem controller pikeun témbok video indoor na outdoor anjeun kalawan harga pangalusna.

The recipient card RV907/917/927/937 is designed specifically for rental LED display. Not only compatible with generation RV807/817/827/837 completely, but also meet the needs of led lighting and led curtain.

pengiriman barang sakuliah dunya dina sagala pesenan.

  • 30 poé mulih gampang
  • Mesen anjeun sateuacan 2.30pm pikeun pengiriman dinten anu sami
Dijamin Aman Checkout

Features of Linsn RV927 LED Recipient Card for Rental LED Display:

The recipient card RV907/917/927/937 is designed specifically for rental LED display. Not only compatible with generation
RV807/817/827/837 completely, but also meet the needs of led lighting and led curtain. RV927 has the following features:

1. Compatible with RV801, has all the features of RV801

2. Small size (479mm X 1365mm), mounting holes are same with RV802

3. Four output interfaces can directly drive module (save hub card)

4. Each of the 4 interfaces has up to 6 groups parallel-data; total 24 groups of parallel data interface to achieve higher refresh rate

5. Provide a 90 degree 26-Pin interface, convenient PCB docking design

6. Provide 16 groups serial-data for led lighting and led curtain

7. Each interface has VCC pin to get power supply for control system from led module. No need to get extra power supply for
control system.

8. support 12-bit HDMI colors input (diperlukeun 9 generasi kartu ngirim)

9. using18-bit signal processor, maximum support 18-bit (260,000) kulawu (unggal beureum, héjo jeung biru)

10. Kartu tunggal maksimum ngarojong 1024X256 piksel, and 1024 grades single pixel chromaticity correction

11. Supports single-card color space conversion

12. Support configuration file readback

13. Support program replication

14. Supports pixel fault detection (requires a dedicated chip support)

15. Rojongan kabel jaringan BER test

16. Support flat cable fault detection

17. Support the cabinet-door monitoring (muka / nutup)

18. Two lines fan-speed monitoring

19. Three lines Voltage monitoring: one for the system, two for cabinet power

20. Temperature monitoring

21. Humidity monitoring (humidity sensor sold separately)

22. Smoke monitoring (smoke module sold separately)

23. In line with EU standards CE-EMC

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