
Linsn RV908T LED narima Card pikeun Iklan Video nembongkeun

harga aslina éta: $18.00.harga ayeuna nyaeta: $11.00.


Mésér Linsn dipingpin sistem controller pikeun témbok video rental panggung anjeun kalawan harga pangalusna.

Kapasitas ngamuat: 1024×256 Pixel.

1) 12 panganteur hub75 on dewan(ngarojong 32 modeu scan);
2) Kartu tunggal tiasa kaluaran 24 grup data RGB.

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  • 30 poé mulih gampang
  • Mesen anjeun sateuacan jam 14.30 kanggo kiriman dinten anu sami
Dijamin Aman Checkout

Linsn RV908T LED Receiving Card LED receiver card is a kind of receiving card designed specifically for the standardization manufacturers: Free of hub card design, completely compatible with RV801 function, the same size of RV801, equivalent to RV801 plus HUB75.

Linsn RV908T LED Receiving Card Features:

1. Supports HDMI 12 bit color input (need the sending cards TS901);

2. An 18-bit signal processing, maximum 18-bit (260,000) gray for red, héjo jeung biru;

3. Single card maximum support 1024X256 pixels, 1024-level single point of color correction;

4. Supporting single card color space conversion;

5. Support RCG file read-back;

6. Support program copy;

7. Support hot backup for dual receiver card, used for very more performance LED screen;

8. Support fault detection supports pixel (IC support required);

9. Supports the network cable error test;

10. Supports the ribbon cable fault detection;

11. Supports the cabinet door monitoring;

12. Two fan speed monitoring;

13. Three-way voltage monitoring, system, two-way external enclosure power supply;

14. Temperature monitor;

15. Humidity control (to be purchased separately and humidity sensor);

16. Smoke monitoring (to be purchased separately smoke module);

17. Passed the EU CE-EMC standards;

Inpormasi Tambahan


0.2 kg


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