
LINSN RV902 LED Display Panel Receiving Card for Digital Led Wall

harga aslina éta: $243.00.harga ayeuna nyaeta: $222.75.


Panggihan Linsn dipingpin sistem controller pikeun témbok video indoor na outdoor anjeun kalawan harga pangalusna.

Max ngarojong 2048*1280 Fungsi rotasi kartu pangirim Kartu pangirim zum in/out fungsi Dina setelan Pangirim, babandingan lebar jeung jangkungna bisa diatur pikeun ngawujudkeun zum gede atawa zum kaluar 10-bit kelir Jerona Multi-tampilan sinkron jeung fungsi kombinasi.

pengiriman barang sakuliah dunya dina sagala pesenan.

  • 30 poé mulih gampang
  • Mesen anjeun sateuacan 2.30pm pikeun pengiriman dinten anu sami
Dijamin Aman Checkout

Function of LINSN RV902 LED Receiving Card:

RV902 led receiving card is the upgraded products of RV802/RV806 that requiring small size installation designed specifically for
led lighting and led background wall products.
RV902 has the same function of RV901, except the small size and output interfaces.


New Features of LINSN RV902 LED Receiving Card:

1) support 12-bit HDMI the colors input (required nine generations, sent cards fit)
2) by 18 signal processors, maximum support of each RGB 18 (260,000) Gray1024X256 pixels.
3) Single card maximum support 1024 single point chromaticity correction
4) Supports single-card color space conversion
5) Support configuration file readback
6) support program replication
7) Supports dual hot backup receiver card for demanding performances screen
8) Supports pixel fault detection (requires a dedicated chip support)
9) Rojongan kabel jaringan BER test
10)support cable fault detection
11)support the cabinet door switch monitoring
12) two fan speed monitoring
13) Voltage monitoring of the 13 three-way all the way for the system, two external box power
14)Temperature monitoring
15) Humidity monitor (sold separately humidity sensor)
16) Smoke monitor (sold separately smoke module)
17) Meet EU standards of CE-EMC

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