
Linsn LED Receiving Card RV320 LED Display Controller Card

harga aslina éta: $25.65.harga ayeuna nyaeta: $13.50.


Mésér Linsn dipingpin controller layar tampilan dina harga pabrik pikeun panels témbok video Anjeun.

Kapasitas ngamuat: 512×512 Pixel

1) 8 HUB75 (supports 32 sweeps) interface;
2) Support 512X512 pixels.
3) Conform to the EU CE-EMC Class B standard.

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Linsn LED Receiving Card RV320 is a standardize product for led screen manufacturer which doesn’t require extra hub card and is compatible with RV908 with same size. It also equals to RV901 plus a hub75-type hub card (supports up to 32 scan mode).

Linsn LED Receiving Card RV320 LED Display Controller Card Features:

1) Supports 32 sets of RGB

2) Supports up to 512*512 piksel

3) Supports color and brightness calibration and color space conversion

4) Supports network-cable BER test

5) Supports reading back RCG file

6) Supports 138, 595 serial decode mode and so on;

7) Supports high refresh rate and greyscale.


LinsnLED Controller Card System Synchronous and asynchronous
Linsn LED Receiving Card RV908H32 RV908M32
Linsn LED Video Processor X8406 / X8408 / X8414 / X8216 / X8212 / X8208 / X100 / X1000 / X2000 / X8000 / S100 / S3000
Linsn LED Sending Card TS802D / TS921
Linsn LED Sender Box TS16 / TS12 / TS08 / TS852D / TS951 / TS952 / TS952 PLUS / TS962 / 3D260 / TS802D Senders Card
Linsn LED Receiving Card RV320 / RV998 / RV926 / RV908M32 / RV908H32 / RV907H / RV905K / RV905H / RV904 / RV902 / RV901T / RV901H Receivers Card
Linsn LED Receving Card MINI910 / MINI909 / MINI908K / MINI908M / MINI903K / MINI903M / MINI902M / MINI901 Receivers Card
Linsn LED Control Box L1 / L2 / L3 / L4 / L5 / L6 AD Players
Linsn Accessories SC801 / MC801 / CN901 / EB901 / EX906D / EX902D
Linsn Software LEDStudio

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0.2 kg


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