
Linsn EX902D Multi Function Controller Card for Brightness Adjustment

harga aslina éta: $78.75.harga ayeuna nyaeta: $75.00.


Panggihan Linsn dipingpin sistem controller pikeun témbok video indoor na outdoor anjeun kalawan harga pangalusna.

Linsn EX902D Multi Function Controller Card. 15% peureum, Choose the trust-worthy LED Display .

pengiriman barang sakuliah dunya dina sagala pesenan.

  • 30 poé mulih gampang
  • Mesen anjeun sateuacan 2.30pm pikeun pengiriman dinten anu sami
Dijamin Aman Checkout

Features of Linsn EX902D Multi Function Controller Card:

1.Integrated audio signal transmission, no external audio amplifier line, direct access function card;
2.256 grade automatic brightness adjustment;
3.Monitoring led screen temperature and humidity in Real-time ;
4.Displaying the current temperature and humidity on led screen;
5.Smoke detection,(need to install the smoke probe);
6.Power On/Off the power of led screen remotely;
7.Control the led screen’s fan and air-conditioning switcher automatically through the temperature.

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