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Разлика између ЛЕД меког екрана и конвенционалних ЛЕД екрана

Do you know the difference between it and a regular LED screen? This article will take you to a detailed understanding of some characteristics of LED soft screen.

LED screen is currently the most popular outdoor large screen, characterized by flexible application, simple installation, easy maintenance, and high brightness;

сценски лед дисплеји

The characteristics of LED soft screen are softness, adaptability to various deformations, high protection level, simple installation, and extremely light weight.

The following is a comparative analysis of the characteristics of conventional LED screens and LED soft screen screens.

1、 The characteristics of ordinary LED screens include high brightness, long lifespan, adjustable viewing angle, good area controllability, simple use, and convenient application.

1. High brightness: The outdoor LED display screen has a brightness greater than 8000mcd/m2, making it the only large-scale display terminal that can be used outdoors all day long; The brightness of indoor LED display screen is greater than 2000md/m2;

2. Long lifespan: LED has a lifespan of over 100000 сати (ten years), which generally refers to the design lifespan, even if the brightness is dim; Using LED lights, with good lifespan.

3. Широки угао гледања: indoor viewing angle can exceed 160 степени, and outdoor viewing angle can exceed 120 степени. The size of the viewing angle depends on the shape of the LED;

4. The screen area can be large or small, ranging from less than one square meter to several hundred to thousands of square meters;

5. Easy to interface with computers and support rich software;

6. Comparison of common large display terminals.

2、 The LED soft screen is composed of LED dot matrix, which displays text, слике, animations, and videos by turning on and off red, зелена, and blue light beads. The content can be changed at any time, and each component is a modular display device. The clever structural design enables it to achieve horizontal and vertical bending deformation installation, even for complex installation requirements, it can be perfectly achieved; Usually composed of display modules, control systems, and power supply systems.

The characteristics of LED soft screen include adaptability to soft and complex installation environments, simple maintenance, waterproof and sunscreen, and extremely light and thin.

Can adapt to complex installation environments: can bend and deform horizontally and vertically for installation, presenting a perfect picture even in complex installation environments;

Лако се одржава: With the unique LED embedded strip structure, replacing a single light strip only requires tightening 3 nuts, and fast maintenance can be achieved on-site;

High protection level, fearless of harsh rainy weather: Tested by a third-party professional organization, the M series soft curtain has a protection level of up to IP65, fearless of harsh rainy weather, and can be used with confidence in outdoor environments;

Lightweight (12 kg/square meter): With a weight of only 12 kg/square meter, one person can easily install and transport the product, saving you installation time and cost;

Transparent: Adopting a pixel bar structure design, the product has a transparency rate of up to 60, extremely low wind resistance, and can withstand up to 12 levels of wind force. You can use the product with confidence in strong wind weather;

Танак: With a thickness of only 11mm, it takes up little space, saving you stage space and transportation box space, bringing great convenience to your use and transportation;

Professional grade connectors, fast and reliable: professional grade aviation plugs are selected for connectors, which are safe and reliable, and have a high protection level of no less than IP65, and can be quickly disassembled and assembled;

High quality power supply, stable and reliable: Select high-quality power supply to further ensure long-term stable operation of the product.

From the above analysis, it can be seen that each of the two display screens has its own advantages. The soft screen has better flexibility and is suitable for small occasions. For outdoor commercial screen applications, LED screens have more advantages. High quality full-color, водоотпоран, sunscreen, dustproof, unrestricted area, long visual distance, and high brightness are the preferred choices for outdoor commercial large screens.

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