
RGBLink VSP3550S 4K HDMI LED Video Processor

Оригинална цена је била: $5,062.50.Тренутна цена је: $5,028.75.


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Max 4Kx1K input resolution Max 4Kx2K or 8KK pixels sync splicing for solid edge blending .

User defined output resolution Seamless switching between the inputs DSK subtitle overlay and Color.

Испорука за све поруџбине широм света.

  • 30 дана лако враћа
  • Наручите своје пре 14:30 за отпрему истог дана
Гарантовано безбедно плаћање

RGBLink VSP3550S 4K HDMI LED Video Processor Features:

The VSP 3550S is the latest cost to performance product released based on well know VSP 3600 and VSP 198S technology.The VSP 3550S supports video and graphic inputs including 2 Composite(ЦВБС),2 ВГА (Composite with YpbPr),1 ДВИ,1 ХДМИ,1 СДИ,и 4 DVI outputs.The VSP 3550S detects the input format automatically.With the advanced scaling engine and sync splicing technology it fulfills the high-end requirements of high resolution display applications.

The VSP 3550S supports single input to zoom in up to 4Kx2K output resolution(8KK pixels).Такође,It supports 2 DVI inputs with resolution up to 4Kx1K for better output image quality respresentation.The VSP 3550S has a in seamless switching engine for the inputs built-in to meet the presentation requirement.


RGBLink VSP3550S 4K HD LED Video Processor Parameters:

Инпут 2 к ЦВБС
2 к ВГА
1 x SDI
1 к ХДМИ
1 к ДВИ
2 к ДВИ
Излаз 4 к ДВИ
1 к ДВИ (Преглед)
1 к ВГА (Преглед)
Operations Front panel
Net Size 480mmx331mmx89mm
Величина пакета 585mmx405mmx195mm
Нето тежина 4.6кг
Package weight 8.4кг
Work Temperature 0°C~40°C
Relative Humidity 10%~85%

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