
Novastar Taurus Series T3 Full Color Multimedia Player Controller Card

Оригинална цена је била: $290.00.Тренутна цена је: $280.00.


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T3 of the Taurus series products (herein after referred to as ‘”T3 feature following advantages, better satisfying users` requirements: •Synchronization display •Powerful processing capability •Omnidirectional control plan •Dual-WI-FI mode

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Novastar Taurus Series T3 Full Color Multimedia Player Controller Card.

1.1. Synchronous Display.

The T3 support switching on/off unction of synchronous display.

When synchronous display is enabled, the same content can be played on different displays synchronously if the time of different T3 units are synchronous with one another and the same program is being played.

Класификација Опис
Market type •Advertising media: To be used for advertising and information promotion including bar screen and advertising machine,

•Digital signage: To be used for signage display in retail stores including retail store screens and door head screens.

•Commercial display commercial information of hotel, cinema and shopping mall, such as chain store screens.

Networking mode •Independent screen: Use a PC or the client software of a mobile phone to enable single-point connection and management of a screen.

•Cluster screen: Use the cluster solution developed by NovaStar to realize centralized management and monitor of multiple screens.

Connection type •Wired connection: A PC connects to Taurus through the Ethernet cable or LAN.

•Wi-Fi connection: PC, Pad and mobile phone can connect to Taurus through Wi-Fi, which can be enabled in the case without PC in conjunction with ViPlex software,


1.2. Powerful Processing Capability

The T3 feature powerful hardware processing capability:

•Support for 1080P video hardware decoding

Eight-core processor

2 GB operating memory and 8 ГБ интерног складишног простора.


T3`s Wi-Fi AP signal strength is related to the transmit distance and environment. Users can change the Wi-Fi antenna as required.

Connecting Mode Client Terminal Related Software
Connecting via network line Connection via Wi-Fi PC ViPlex Express NovaLCT-Taurus
Connection via LAN PC ViPlex Express NovaLCT-Taurus
Connection via Wi-Fi Mobile phone and Pad ViPlex Handy
Wi-Fi AP=Sta/wired/4G Mobile phone and PC ViPlex Handy ViPlex Express
Wi-Fi AP=Sta/wired/5G Mobile phone and PC ViPlex Handy ViPlex Express


1.3.1 Wi-Fi AP Mode

Users connect the Wi-Fi AP of a T3 to directly access the T3 .The SSID is “AP + the last 8 digits of the SN?? на пример, “AP10000033?? and the default password is 12345678


1.3.2 Wi-Fi Sta Mode

Configure an external router for a T3 and users can access the T3 by connecting the external router. If an external router is configured for multiple T3 units, a LAN can be created. Users can access any of the T3 via the LAN.


1.3.3 Wi-Fi AP +Sta Mode


In Wi-Fi AP + Sta connection mode, users can either directly access the T3 or access Internet through bridging connection. Upon the cluster solution, VNNOX and NovaiCare can realize remote program publishing and remote monitoring respectively through the Internet.


1.4. Redundant Backup


T3 support network redundant backup and Ethernet port redundant backup


Network redundant backup: The T3 automatically selects internet connection mode among wired network, Wi-Fi Sta or 4Gg network according to the priority.


Ethernet port redundant backup: The T3 enhances connection reliability through active and standby redundant mechanism for the Ethernet port used to connect with the receiving card


Table 2-1 Indicators of the T3

Не Indicator Color Indicator Status Опис
1 Зелен Both the green and yellow indicators are turned on simultaneously. The product is connected to the Gigabit Ethernet cable and the connection status is normal.
2 Жута Always on The product is connected to the 100M Ethernet cable and the connection status is normal.
3 Црвени Always on Power input is normal.
4 Зелен Flashes once every 2 секунди. The system is operating normally.
Flashes once every 0.5 друго. System is sending data.
Always on/off The system is operating abnormally.
5 Зелен Always on The product is connected to the Internet and the connection status is normal.
Flashes once every 2 секунди. The product is connected to VNNOX and the connection status is normal.
6 Зелен Same as the signal light status of the sending card FPGA is operating normally.

More Pictures of Novastar Taurus Series T3 Full Color Multimedia Player Controller Card

Novastar Taurus Series T3 Full Color Multimedia Player Controller

Novastar Taurus Series T3 Full Color Multimedia Player Controller

Novastar Taurus Series T3 Full Color Multimedia Player Controller

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