
Novastar MRV266 HUB320 LED Receiving Card Small-Pitch LED Screen Receiving Card

Оригинална цена је била: $25.00.Тренутна цена је: $24.00.


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The Novastar MRV266 Small-Pitch LED Screen Receiving Card is a small-pitch receiving card from Nova Technology. The single card has a maximum load of 512 × 256 pixels.Supports up to 24 sets of RGB parallel data. Витх 6 ХУБ320 (26пин) интерфејси.

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  • Наручите своје пре 14:30 за отпрему истог дана
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Novastar MRV266 HUB320 LED Receiving Card Small-Pitch LED Screen Receiving Card

The Novastar MRV266 Small-Pitch LED Screen Receiving Card is a small-pitch receiving card from Nova Technology. The single card has a maximum load of 512 × 256 пиксела.
Подржава до 24 sets of RGB parallel data. Витх 6 ХУБ320 (26пин) интерфејси, it has high stability and high reliability, and is suitable for construction in various environments.
The hardware design and software design of the MRV266 takes into account the scenarios of user deployment, operation, and maintenance, making deployment easier, more stable, and more efficient.

Novastar MRV266 Small-Pitch LED Screen Receiving Card Features:

Support for lighting chromaticity correction.
Support fast bright and dark line adjustment.
Support for 3D functions.
Support RGB independent Gamma adjustment.
Support for Mapping function.
Support receiving card pre-stored screen settings.
Support temperature and voltage monitoring.
Support box liquid crystal display.
Support error monitoring.
Support firmware program and configuration parameters readback.
Support loop backup, configuration parameter double backup, dual program backup.
Novastar MRV266 HUB320 LED Receiving Card Small-Pitch LED Screen Receiving Card.

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