
NovaStar MCTRL660 LED Video Controller LED Display Independent Master Sender Box

Оригинална цена је била: $505.00.Тренутна цена је: $500.00.


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Innovative smart configuration; the screen debugging can be completed within 30 секунди; AdoptsNovastar G4 engine; flicker free and no scanning lines; exquisite images displaying quality; Point-by-point correction technology;

Испорука за све поруџбине широм света.

  • 30 дана лако враћа
  • Наручите своје пре 14:30 за отпрему истог дана
Гарантовано безбедно плаћање

NovaStar MCTRL660 LED Video Controller LED Display Independent Master Sender Box Functions & Карактеристике :

MCTRL660 is the latest independent master control made by NOVASTAR. It supports screen configuration at any time without a computer.
It has the following characteristics:
1) Adopts an innovative architecture to implement smart configuration; the screen debugging can be completed within 30 секунди;
2) Adopts the Nova G4 engine; the screen is stable and flicker free without scanning lines; the images are exquisite and have
a good sense of depth;
3) Supports Nova’s new-generation point-by-point correction technology; the correction is fast and efficient;
4) Can implement white balance calibration and color gamut mapping based on different features of LEDs used by screens
to ensure reproduction of true colors.
5) Is the only control system supporting the input of 12-bit high-definition multimedia interface (ХДМИ) and high-bandwidth digital
content protection (ХДЦП) in China;
6) Supports screen configuration at any time without a computer;
7) Supports manual adjustment of the screen brightness, which is convenient and efficient;
8) ХДМИ/ДВИ улаз;
9) ХДМИ/екстерни аудио улаз;
10) 12бит/10бит/8бит ХД видео извор;
11) Резолуција подржана:2048×1152??920×1200??560×960;
12) Резолуција подржана:1440×900; (12бит/10бит)
13) 1 интерфејс светлосног сензора;
14) Подржано каскадно;
15) 18обрада и презентација мало сиве скале;
16) Видео формат:РГБ,ИЦрЦб4:2:2,ИЦрЦб4:4:4 .

More Pictures of NovaStar MCTRL660 LED Video Controller LED Display Independent Master Sender Box:

MCTRL660 NOVASTAR LED Display Independent Master Sender Box

MCTRL660 NOVASTAR LED Display Independent Master Sender Box

MCTRL660 NOVASTAR LED Display Independent Master Sender Box

MCTRL660 NOVASTAR LED Display Independent Master Sender Box

MCTRL660 NOVASTAR LED Display Independent Master Sender Box

MCTRL660 NOVASTAR LED Display Independent Master Sender Box


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