
Моонцелл Т120 ЛЕД екран пријемна картица за креативни ЛЕД екран

Оригинална цена је била: $28.57.Тренутна цена је: $27.00.


Откријте додатну опрему за ЛЕД екране на отвореном из Кине.

T120 is a high standard universal LED screen receiving card of Mooncell, with the following features. 24 sets of RGB output. 2. The input image gray level support 8/10 bit two modes.

Испорука за све поруџбине широм света.

  • 30 дана лако враћа
  • Наручите своје пре 14:30 за отпрему истог дана
Гарантовано безбедно плаћање

Mooncell T120 LED Screen Receiving Card For Creative LED Display Features:

1.24 sets of RGB output.
2. The input image gray level support 8/10 bit two modes.
3. The output gray scale level of up to 20 битс.
4.One single card can load the maximum 96K pixels, each set data can load 8K pixels.
5.Улазни напон: +3.5V–+6V.
6.High refresh frequency, висока осветљеност, high grayscale for general ICs.
7.Dual backup for the network Cable.
8.Support intelligent module, store debugged data and module parameters, итд..
9.Support monitoring for the temperature, влажност, power supply voltage, fans of the screen box.
10.Support monitoring for ribbon wires.
11.Support to extract at any position, and shift the display position of date, make any of irregular screen display easy to realize.
12.Supports to detect the mistakes for LED module point by point.
13.Support any scan type of 1-1/32, и 595 or other serial decode scan.
14.Support to debug point by point for the brightness and chroma, with no lose of loading area of Receiving card.
15.Variety of Driver ICs are supported, као што су: ПВМ ИЦ, Point by point
Detecting IC and Conventional IC.
16.Supports receiving card stored picture settings before hand.
17.Support Monitoring for all the parameters of the receiving card.
18.Support Monitoring for the external environment.
19.Интелигентна функција опоравка, swapping the receiving cards without loading all the data again.
20.It confirms to RoHs and CE-EMC standards.

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