
Meanwell HLG-320H-42A 320W Power Source Constant Voltage for Led Video Walls

Оригинална цена је била: $64.60.Тренутна цена је: $62.00.


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HLG-320H series is a 320W AC/DC LEDdriver featuring the dual mode constant voltage and constant current output. HLG-320H operates from 90 305VAC and offers models with different rated voltage ranging between 12V and 54V.

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Meanwell HLG-320H-42A 320W Power Source Constant Voltage+Constant Current LED Driver Power Supply.

HLG-320H series is a 320W AC/DC LEDdriver featuring the dual mode constant voltage and constant current output. HLG-320H operates from 90 305VAC and offers models with different rated voltage ranging between 12V and 54V.
Захваљујући високој ефикасности до 94%, са дизајном без вентилатора, the entire series is able to operate for -40 ~ +90 case temperature under free air convection.
The design of metal housing and IP67/IP65 ingress protection level allows this series to fit both indoor and outdoor applications.
HLG-320H is equipped with various function options, као што су методологије затамњивања, како би се обезбедила оптимална флексибилност дизајна за ЛЕД систем осветљења.

Meanwell HLG-320H-42A 320W Constant Voltage+Constant Current LED Driver Features:

· Constant Voltage + Излаз у режиму константне струје
· Metal housing with class 1 design
· Built-in active PFC function
· IP67 / IP65 rating for indoor or outdoor installations
· Function options : излаз подесив преко потенциометра ; 3 ин 1 затамњивање
· Typical Iifetime > 62000 сати
· 7 године гаранције.

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