
LINSN RV908H LED Reception Card with On-board Monitoring Function

Оригинална цена је била: $22.09.Тренутна цена је: $18.75.


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Овај производ је био више није у производњи а наше препоручене алтернативе су следеће:

Linsn RV908H32

Испорука за све поруџбине широм света.

  • 30 дана лако враћа
  • Наручите своје пре 14:30 за отпрему истог дана
Гарантовано безбедно плаћање

Features of LINSN RV908H LED Reception Card with On-board Monitoring Function:

RV908H LED reception card is the new version of RV908. It is designed specifically for the standardization manufacturers:
Без дизајна хуб картице. Compared to RV908, RV908H has the following advantages.
1. Cost effective: надзор на броду, није потребна додатна картица за праћење.
2. Multi-function: to carry pixels of LED screen and monitor the LED screen working status, preventing safety issue and
extend lifetime of usage.

Monitoring Functions of LINSN RV908H LED Reception Card:

1. Температура: integrated on board, working range:-80??125??
2. Somke: Need smoke module, to detect smoke condition
3. Влажност:Need humidity sensor, to detect humidity condition.
4. Two Fan-speed:need 4 lines fan, including one controlling line. Fan voltage:5V-24V
5. Cabinet door open/closed detection:need touch sensor installed on cabinet door. With this function, protect receiving card,
power supply and LED PCB from rain, sunlight, итд.
6. Three voltage surveillance: два за кабинетске снаге, one for receiving card.
7. Email Alert: alert with real time status of reach receiving card.

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