
Линсн РВ804 оптичка влакна ЛЕД екран пријемник картица

Оригинална цена је била: $85.50.Тренутна цена је: $83.70.


RV804 is designed for small size led screen, meet the demand of small dimensions installation design, apart from differences in size and output interface, and all other functions with RV803. Има следеће карактеристике.

Испорука за све поруџбине широм света.

  • 30 дана лако враћа
  • Наручите своје пре 14:30 за отпрему истог дана
Гарантовано безбедно плаћање

RV804 is designed for small size led screen, meet the demand of small dimensions installation design,
apart from differences in size and output interface, and all other functions with RV803. Има следеће карактеристике.

1, control system development based on the Linsn eighth generation Gigabit Ethernet port, compatible with all the features of the cable
transmission, all-digital, all-fiber transmission mode
2, the high transfer rate, transmission speed dual-port 2Gb per second, single-port 1Gb per second
3,Велика даљина преноса, transmission range up to 500 м (standard multimode 500 м), 20 km single-mode, 20 km or more
to be ordered
4,Excellent safety signal transmission, unlike the traditional wire to produce sparks or static electricity and other phenomena due to short
circuit or poor contact
5, strong anti-jamming capability, the light signal transduction, not subject to external electromagnetic interference, confidentiality
6, lightning, optical signal transmission completely lightning
7, good compatibility, support single-mode and multimode modules, scalability, јака, applicable in the construction of a good
fiber-optic network
8, easy to install SFP square interface standard, укључи и играј
9, easy maintenance, дуг живот, fiber, not like a copper cable oxidation, корозија
10, a great range of applications, као што су: stage performances, airports, railway stations, sports centers, shopping malls, highways
and other large places

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