
Кистар КС948 ХДМИ улаз 4 ДВИ излаз ХД видео прекидач са више прозора

Оригинална цена је била: $4,457.97.Тренутна цена је: $4,455.00.

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Кистар КС948 ХДМИ улаз 4 ДВИ излаз ХД видео прекидач са више прозора

Kystar KS948 HDMI Input 4 DVI Output HD Multi-window Video Switcher

  • Output pixels up to 15360 хоризонтално или 6144 вертикално.
  • Display six windows of images on a single screen simultaneously or control six different LED screens .
  • Support HDMI , ДВИ , ВГА , СДИ , ЦВБС , IP inputs.
  • Six windows preview and output monitoring.
  • Ethernet monitoring and control in real time .
  • Editable text and image overlay.
  • Window or mode transition effects including dissolves, wipes, and cuts.
  • Brightness control of each input.
  • Подешавање провидности и перје ивица.
  • Hot backup of input signals.

1. Multi-format signal processing

Kystar KS948 HDMI Input 4 DVI Output HD Multi-window Video Switcher

KS948 is compatible with a variety of input signals : ДВИ×1, ХДМИ×1, ВГА×2, ЦВБС×2, and expansion slot×1.
The expansion slot can be configured as HDMI 1.4a,ИП, SDI as well as DVI, ХДМИ1.3, ВГА и ЦВБС.

2. Processing

Kystar KS948 HDMI Input 4 DVI Output HD Multi-window Video Switcher

Kystar KS948 HDMI Input 4 DVI Output HD Multi-window Video Switcher

Accommodating 4k signal input terminals including HDMI 1.4 and Dual Link DVI, KS 928 enables an input resolution up to 4096×2160, conveniently realizing UHD display of large LED screens!

3. Free Display of six Windows

Kystar KS948 HDMI Input 4 DVI Output HD Multi-window Video Switcher

KS948 enables the simultaneous display of six windows on a single screen.The size, location and hierarchical relationship of each window can be adjusted independently.

4. Multi-screen Combination and Special-shaped Splicing

Kystar KS948 HDMI Input 4 DVI Output HD Multi-window Video Switcher

KS948 can not only display 6 windows on a screen, but control 6 ЛЕД екрани истовремено, од којих сваки може да се прикаже независно или да се комбинује у комплетну слику. Осим тога, нагиб пиксела таквих екрана може бити различит.

Кистар КС948 ХДМИ улаз 4 DVI Output HD Multi-window Video Switcher Parameters

Видео улаз



DVI-D (24+1)


· 1920× max., компатибилност наниже

· Compatible with HDMI1.3 and inferior version, ЕДИД верзија 1.3



· 1920× max., компатибилност наниже

· Compatible with HDMI1.3 and inferior version, ЕДИД верзија 1.3

ВГА (ХД-15)


· 1920× (UXGA) мак., компатибилност наниже
Композитни видео (БНЦ)


· НТСЦ/ПАЛ адаптивни, support 3D comb filter
Extension Input


· Can be configured as DVI, ВГА, СДИ, HDMI1.3/1.4, Dual Link DVI, IP and CVBS

· Default configuration.

Video Output



DVI-D (24+1)


· Support common output resolutions like: 2048× and 1920×

· Support user-define output resolutions like 3840×

· Compatible with HDMI1.3 and inferior version

· 4 as programming outputs, 1 as monitor & preview output, 1 as loop

Function Description
Splicing Output · Splicing output resolutions can be up to 15360× (horizontal splicing) or 1536× (вертикално спајање) or 4096× (cross splicing). And the output resolution can be adjusted arbitrarily within this range.
Four-Window Display · Render 4 or less images on the screen at the same time, these images can be from the same or different input signals.

· Each image can be freely zoomed and arranged. Images can overlap each other.

Ethernet Monitoring · Via Ethernet, users can monitor and preview through the KYSTAR software in real time
Хот Бацкуп · Users can set the priority of the input signal. When current signal fails, the system will automatically output next priority signal.
Image-Text Overlay · Text or pictures can be overlaid on the image through KYSTAR software
Беспрекоран прелаз са ефектима · In case of signal or preset transition, users can choose different transition effects, укључујући: fade in/out, cut, vertical or horizontal comb, round cut-in or cut-out, diamond cut-in or cut-out and cross of every side
Локални надзор и преглед · Users can preview input signals through the monitor or monitor current output image:

1. Пратите излазе, приказује исту слику на екрану.

2. Прегледајте улазе, показујући 6 уноси слике у исто време.

3. Monitor and preview in the same time.

Подешавање провидности и перје ивица Да би се добро интегрисали различити слојеви слике, KS948 can change the transparency of each windows or achieve edge feathering effect.
Preset and Calling · Users can save up to 64 presets of parameters for quick calling.
Независна контрола осветљености KS948 can adjust the brightness of each inputs independently so that the user can improve the quality of the specific image without influence to the others.
Multi-Cascade · Tow or more device can work together to drive the huger screen.
Фреезе · KS948 can freeze the displaying video.
PC Control Mode RS232/RJ45 Ethernet Величина (мм) 66(Х)×432(Л)×256(Д)
Тежина (Кг) 4 Input Power 100 – 240 ВАЦ, 47- 63 Хз, А
Work Environment Temp:0-40 Humd:0-95% Гаранција 1 године

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